Monday, January 7, 2013

What middle class?

On the other end of the spectrum (in both politics and intellect), we have another newly sworn-in Senator who campaigned on the 'middle class', even speaking on the topic at the Democratic National Convention; yet, she suddenly can't define it...or rather, won't.

RedAlertPolitics: In an interview with the FOX News affiliate in Boston on Friday, Warren refused to assign a salary range to middle class Americans, saying it’s “not a numbers issue.”

See, folks, what it all boils down to is that the so-called 'middle class' is whoever the hell they want it to be for the purposes of a political agenda that seeks to divide, then confiscate, and finally redistribute...well, as the government sees fit, that is, taking their cut first. So, in that regard, you've gotta keep the definition open to figure out who to plunder next.

And they wonder why the 'c-word' keeps coming up...