Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Our civilization, our republic, our freedom... if we can keep it

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage." ~ attributed to Alexander Tytler (Lord Woodhouselee), and occasionally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville
We'll return to the aspects of a democracy towards the end (it all ties in), but first let's focus on civilization...

Anyone who's ever been curious about history, culture and civics is familiar with the stages of the rise and fall of civilizations, also known as the Tytler Cycle. Now today's left would have you believe we're on the courageous side of that cycle with full faith in government. Far from it!

For those awakened to our present perils, it's all too obvious that we are well into the throes of complacency and apathy, steamrolling towards dependence and bondage under the few lording over the many, moving further away from liberty by the day, more than I've ever experienced in my lifetime. 

Don't believe me? Well check out a few of these discussions over the past week.

Here's an excellent summation of the radical Left’s long-term dream to remodel the American economy into a centrally planned government... and how they continue LYING about it all along the way, whether that be spending our civilization into oblivion or transforming it into something unrecognizable with policies that have absolutely nothing to do with necessary expenditures...
Biden’s socialist spending spree is the biggest increase in government spending in United States history. This ‘zero-cost’ ploy that the Democrats are peddling, might just be the one of the biggest and most absurd lies told. Taxes will not cover this bill, as Democrats are claiming it will. Most of this money is actually being borrowed, and Americans are going to be paying the consequences, from higher inflation, to slower economic growth, and even fewer opportunities, yet Americans think that this is all okay. This is just a taste of what’s to come.

Related links: Erickson: Sympathy for the Insurgency
Tucker: What you’re seeing is Washington’s new religion

Discussions are cropping up all over, from covid to voting to taxes/spending and everything in between... you better THINK while it's still legal, because they tell us TRUTH isn't true anymore. This irrationality is heading towards an impending collapse of our civilization, no matter how much we're pretending it isn't...
"Very considerate of them to expand their rules-for-thee-but-not-for-me philosophy into money-from-thee-is-for-me philosophy."

That's of course a satirical way to view it (i.e., if you can't laugh, you'll cry), but from the radical irrationality witnessed to the secularist approach of living, there is a real worry that Americans are losing their common senses along with their freedom (start around 4:50 of this Fireside Chat). And what happens when a society decides that security is more important than liberty? Again, look directly across the Tytler Cycle to clearly see the results...

Not that it's the most reliable of sources, hardly, but it's nevertheless interesting to look into how Wikipedia references various phenomena, and here's another related one towards the fall of civilization that's worth peering into, although with a few caveats...
Societal collapse (also known as civilizational collapse) is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of socioeconomic complexity, the downfall of government, and the rise of violence. Possible causes of a societal collapse include natural catastrophe, war, pestilence, famine, population decline, and mass migration. A collapsed society may revert to a more primitive state (Dark Ages), be absorbed into a stronger society, or completely disappear.
Wow, today's Left definitely has us slated for the Dark Ages! And we're certainly familiar with how the last cause, albeit in reverse & devoid of appropriate assimilation, actually works to saturate, not decrease, population. However, the characteristics of lost identity and detrimental socioeconomic policy might address more accurately our governmental downfall (and impending violence) in the decline that a vast majority of the American citizenry is experiencing. To put it in plain terms, and to once again repeat, they're spending us into oblivion with some of the most unAmerican policies, as well as auctioning us off wholesale across the globalist market.

It's furthermore noted that virtually all civilizations suffer such a fate, but while some revive or transform, others generally collapse quickly or gradually fade away. That's also a familiar pendulum with every election (if reliance on those can be revived), but even that hasn't addressed the runaway fiscal threat. Can anyone say constitutional balanced budget amendment? Only with a Convention of States, because we know well that D.C. will never restrain themselves.

Speaking of the Constitution, let's briefly circle back around to that democracy terminology that also seems to be so misunderstood in these times...
"What kind of government did you create?" ... "A republic, madam, if you can keep it."

We have a republic, and we should keep it!

So, if you're not ready to become complacent or apathetic to the notion of less freedom in America, then there's a whole lot of considerations to take into account as we hurtle towards 2022.