Bob Schieffer and Tom Brokaw both made 'extreme' statements regarding President Obama signing executive orders on gun control.
Immediately following Obama’s press conference, Schieffer likened Obama 'taking on the gun lobby' to the hunt for Bin Laden and 'defeating the Nazis'!
(Newsbuster link here)
Hours later, Levin called ripped into Schieffer's phony journalism, providing an excellent commentary on this propagandists and how he goes to ridiculous lengths of absurdity to praise Obama and his policies...
(Newsbusters link here)
Rush chimed in as well:
"Where is the media outrage when Bob Schieffer of CBS compares Obama's gun initiatives to defeating the Hitler? In other words, taking on the NRA is the equivalent of taking on Adolf Hitler. ... Why is that not an example of just over-the-top defamation, exaggeration, insulting, not to mention the lack of civility?"
Then on Thursday, MSLSD resurrected Tom Brokaw to meander through some bizarre comparison of the gun debate to the failure to oppose segregation in the 60's. Remember,folks: there's no media bias...
(Newsbusters link here)
Again, Levin came out swinging:
"Have you lost your mind, Tom Brokaw? Do you realize what an idiot you are? ... Shut up! All of you, just shut up! You don't even know what the hell you're talking about! The Second Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights, Tommy!"
(Newsbusters link here)
"The point is this: they're digging in, because you refuse to surrender your God-given unalienable rights and your constitutional rights to Big Government. And Tom Brokaw and Schieffer and all the rest of them are about Big Government. ... These are the phonies who are bringing news to you..."