Thursday, January 17, 2013

Malkin on 'argumentum ad filium': the kiddie human shield strategy

After discussing the lazy, or rather slobbering, so-called journalism that we've all bore witness to during Obama's reign, Michelle Malkin expands on the despicable tactic of using children for political expediency, in this case, Obama's gun-control push yesterday...

FoxNewsInsider: On Fox and Friends this morning, Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin took on the Obama administration for choosing to have children appear with President Obama at yesterday’s event to announce 23 executive actions on gun violence.

Obama began his remarks by reading letters from some of the kids, who urged him to take action on gun control.

Malkin said it’s a “time-tested tactic of the left” to use “kiddie human shields” as a way to bring about wider public support for a policy and avoid answering tough questions.

“Whether it was Obamacare or any health care policy for that matter; education, immigration, and now gun control. What these Democrats do is use children very cynically to try and deflect accountability for their actions, and in this case very imperial actions on the part of the president. I consider it a form of child abuse and political malpractice,” said Malkin.

Argumentum ad filium...right on, Michelle! Thanks for also sticking up for the absolutely legitimate NRA ad, unlike some jerks supposedly on our side.

Michelle writes more on her website about this administration's use and abuse of children...check it out!