Friday, January 6, 2012

Rubio: "America is becoming a deadbeat nation" under Obama

Florida Senator Marco Rubio sent a scathing letter to President Obama this morning, saying that under the President’s first term in office, “more and more people have come to believe that America is becoming a deadbeat nation.”

Instead of making debt ceiling increases a routine Washington exercise, we need to make it routine to actually spend no more than we take in. Until then, I will oppose your request to continue borrowing and spending recklessly.

It’s a tragic reality but, on your watch, more and more people have come to believe that America is becoming a deadbeat nation inevitably heading toward a European-style debt crisis.

While you may choose to run your reelection campaign against a “Do-Nothing Congress,” your insistence on doing nothing to meaningfully tackle our debt poses a direct threat to America’s exceptional character and is leading us towards a diminished future.

Marco Rubio for Senate Minority Leader, anyone?!