Monday, January 30, 2012

Allen West to Obama, Reid, Pelosi: "Get the Hell Out of the United States of America"


Although he didn't say it, I'm certain some of this resilience is reserved for the Romney-supporting Republican establishment in Florida, like Rep. Will Weatherford, who are attempting to write out West's congressional district! TheRightScoop elaborates on this subversive move by the establishment's further attempts to dismantle the tea party:

It’s more likely that he’s made enemies in DC whose tentacles are reaching into the state legislatures to do their bidding. It seems pretty clear that there are some who definitely don’t like West’s level of Tea Party influence and that the long knives are out for him.

But something tells me they underestimate this man and they could be, in effect, pushing him onto a more national stage where his voice would be even larger. I’m just wondering what they would think if West were to become a VP candidate this year.

How electrifying that would be!

ADDENDUM: State Rep. Weatherford released a statement earlier today claiming that the Florida legislature is not targeting West; however, Levin interviewed West this evening and isn't buying what’s been said about how the congressman's district has been carved up, saying that if West loses his district, he will make the names of those who redrew the map nationally known and will work to defeat them!

On Tuesday, Allen West issued a statement explaining that he's decided to switch to the newly proposed 18th district in Florida to pursue his re-election. Right on, we can't afford to lose this statesman!