Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Cruz, Trump, Levin, Palin, Beck join forces at the 'Stop the Iran Deal' rally

Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mark Levin, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and many others have rallied at the Capitol and will begin speaking momentarily at the Stop the Iran Deal event starting at 1PM ET...

Here's a direct link at Livestream, and also available at C-SPAN.

Related links: How the GOP pretends not to authorize Obama’s agenda
Before Dems nuke up Iran, there's one last effort for Congress to treat this like the TREATY it is...if they'll ACT!

Cruz and Levin were right on target in equally fiery speeches, including solutions, if Congress would simply ACT!

Related links: Watch Ted Cruz’s FULL SPEECH at Stop Iran Deal Rally
Watch Mark Levin’s FULL SPEECH today at the Stop Iran Deal Rally

Related links: Donald Trump; Stop Iran Rally; Washington D.C.; #StopIranRally; 9-9-2015
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson; Stop Iran Deal; Washington D.C.; #StopIranRally; 9-9-2015
Sarah Palin; Stop Iran Deal; Washington D.C.; Rally; #StopIranDeal; 9-9-2015
Joel Pollak; Stop Iran Deal; Washington D.C.; #StopIranDeal; 9-9-2015
Glenn Beck; Stop Iran Deal; Washington D.C.; #StopIranRally; 9-9-2015

Congressman Gohmert gave us a progress report of sorts by mid-afternoon...we're onto them, so don't let up!

Call, fax, email, contact Washington and tell them #NOIranNukeDeal! Suspend the filibuster and reinvoke congressional treaty powers!

Related links: Why the Iran ideal increases the risk of war
Top Five on the Iran Deal: Why the Iran Deal Won’t Prevent War