Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The liberal hypocrisy of campaign finance

Money in politics is only bad when it’s given to support Republicans and their agenda. But when big donors throw money at Democrats and their agenda, it might as well be from angels ~ The Right Scoop
Case in point, Tom Steyer buys off Koch-addict Harry Reid and gets a pass...
FreeBeacon: Left wing eco-billionaire Tom Steyer has formally purchased Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.). Steyer recently donated $5 million to Senate Majority PAC, the pro-Democratic Super PAC run by former Reid aides, making him the single largest contributor to the group.

The transaction is related to Steyer’s broader effort to buy American democracy for $100 million and block construction of the wildly popular Keystone XL pipeline. In fact, news of Steyer’s donation comes just days after Senate Democrats helped kill a bipartisan energy efficiency bill after Republicans tried to require a vote on Keystone approval.

It also highlights the absurdity of Harry Reid’s senile jihad against the billionaire Koch brothers. Reid has accused the Kochs of “trying to buy America,” while insisting that Steyer is a benign billionaire who is simply “concerned about climate change.”
Meanwhile, Dinesh D'Souza gets the book thrown at him...
TRS: Dinesh D’Souza wasn’t allowed by the Judge to contest the selective prosecution of his case, so he basically had no defense and was forced to take a deal. The government agreed to drop the more serious charge if he’d plead guilty to the lesser charge, something he readily admits he did, however naive he was.

He does make the obvious point, though, that the Obama administration doesn’t seem to care about Harry Reid and his illegal use of campaign money, which only makes his point even more that he’s been targeted because of his political views.

Despite whether you agree or disagree with campaign finance laws, there's no denying the political double standards at play.