Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rush explains Obama's #HashtagPolitics surrounding Boko Haram

Before you get wrapped up in #hashtag world, El Rushbo gives you all you need to know about the Obama administration's perspective on Boko Haram terrorists, the hostages and the Nigerian government (keep Egypt, Syria, and everywhere else that's gone wrong in mind)...
"Now the theory is that Boko Haram, they’re not the bad guys. The Nigerian government is, and the purpose of the hashtag is aimed at destabilizing the Nigerian government because they’re not properly appeasement-oriented toward Boko Haram or all of militant Islam."

"The Regime, Hillary, Michelle Obama sympathize with Boko Haram. They’re blaming the Christian Nigerian government for creating Boko Haram, and they want to get rid of the Nigerian government, because if you do that, if you appease the terror group by getting rid of the group you think is responsible for their existence, then you’ve made peace with them. You’ve made friends with them and they’ll leave us alone, or whatever convoluted thinking."

"Once again, Boko Haram are victims in their own way — victims of government oppression, victims of who knows what — and they’re reacting in the only way they know how. And we must appease these people because they’re nothing more than members of the oppressed around the world to whom the United States reaches out in solidarity. (interruption) “We gotta understand them.” Exactly.

We have to understand why Boko Haram’s mad. We have to understand their rage. Folks, I know that you’re probably not getting this take too many other places. You see the hashtag and Boko Haram is the bad guys and we’re doing everything we can. That’s the official US government position and the media position now, but that’s not the way it is. This story’s a great example of how a lot of people in the Drive-Bys are blaming the Christian government and the Nigerian military instead of the terrorists."

As for the hashtag campaign, "You don't even have to care, you just have to say you do." And that's liberalism in a nutshell.

Related links: A Selfie-Taking, Hashtagging Teenage Administration
Obama’s Alliance with Boko Haram
Boko Haram and the Obama State Department’s Deadly Wishful Thinking
Did Hillary refuse to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist organization?
What difference did it make that Hillary’s State Dept refused to list Boko Haram as terrorist organization?
Hillary Clinton Protested Designation of Boko Haram As Terrorist Group