Friday, March 16, 2012

Up-Holder-ing voter fraud

The despicable Eric Holder continues to uphold voter fraud for the sake of Barack Obama's reelection campaign.

The American Spectator: On Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice, operating under antiquated "preclearance" provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, blocked Texas's recently passed Voter ID law, claiming that the law was targeting Hispanics and aimed at suppressing minority voter turnout in the state.

The DOJ recently made a similar ruling in South Carolina, ostensibly to protect black voters there.

These decisions are purely political, as Texas Senator John Cornyn, former Texas Attorney General and member of the Texas Supreme Court, put it: "Today's decision reeks of politics and appears to be an effort by the Department of Justice to carry water for the President's reelection campaign."

The constant banter from the Left that Voter ID laws suppress voter turnout, particularly with emphasis on lower-income and minority voters, amounts to nothing less than an enforcement of fraud...otherwise, this same Attorney General would make similar arguments pertaining to boarding an airplane, cashing a check or opening a bank account, making large sum cash transactions, driving/renting/registering a motor vehicle (I know, they're trying to skirt 'driving' as pertains to illegals), purchasing of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or regulated over-the-counter drugs, and many, many more instances...ALL of which require photo identification. But rather than recognize the disparity being created by perpetuating this lawlessness, it's seemingly easier to castigate the rule of law and yell, "racist!" or "bigot!" Sorry, but we're not buying it anymore.

This is just another attempt to aid Obama's reelection with as many unquestionable votes as possible, irrespective of their legality (e.g., multiple votes, illegal alien votes, the voting dead, etc.). Anyway they can think of to benefit the Democrat block, by hook or by crook.

In Texas, Gov. Perry has gone on the offense and made it clear that Texas will fight this corrupt administration and take this matter all the way to the Supreme Court if need be, noting that the highest court in the land has already ruled in favor of states implementing voter ID laws.

"There's obviously those who would like to fraudulently impact elections, and therefore they are against having a photo ID. Otherwise, it makes all the sense in the world. ...I think this is a clear example of people wanting to disadvantage the process."

And obviously, Gov. Perry, it's folks like these NAACP geniuses who want to fraudulently impact elections, taking it one step beyond racism by declaring before the UN's Human Rights Council that requiring voters to produce identification is now also a human rights violation! As Dan Cleary says, "Can’t wait to be lectured by the likes of China, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia about what horrible, horrible people Republicans are for promoting the idea that a voter should be required to verify who they are at the ballot box."

Morons. The NAACP has become about as inconsequential as the ACLU, yet continue to advance division. And AG Holder, along with the rest of the Obama administration (and Democrat Party for that matter), are right there with them, stirring up more class warfare with that worn out card.