Friday, March 23, 2012

Krauthammer discusses Obamacare's day of reckoning

Although I've had my differences with him (and many for that matter) throughout this primary season, Charles Krauthammer presented an important reminder this morning on the 2nd anniversary of temporary politicians handing more of our liberties over to the State with the signing of Obamacare by the very statist it's named after.

The Washington Post: Obamacare dominated the 2010 midterms, driving its Democratic authors to a historic electoral shellacking. But since then, the issue has slipped quietly underground.

Now it’s back, summoned to the national stage by the confluence of three disparate events: the release of new Congressional Budget Office cost estimates, the approach of Supreme Court hearings on the law’s constitutionality and the issuance of a compulsory contraception mandate.

After exploring this destructive policy's manipulated & deceptive cost, its constitutional challenges, and the subversive coercion involved in its installation, Krauthammer asks us to "consider the cascade of arbitrary bureaucratic decisions that resulted in this edict:"

(1) Contraception, sterilization and abortion pills are classified as medical prevention. On whose authority? The secretary of health and human services, invoking the Institute of Medicine. But surely categorizing pregnancy as a disease equivalent is a value decision disguised as science. If contraception is prevention, what are fertility clinics? Disease inducers? And if contraception is prevention because it lessens morbidity and saves money, by that logic, mass sterilization would be the greatest boon to public health since the pasteurization of milk.

(2) This type of prevention is free — no co-pay. Why? Is contraception morally superior to or more socially vital than — and thus more of a “right” than — penicillin for a child with pneumonia?

(3) “Religious” exemptions to this edict extend only to churches, places where the faithful worship God, and not to church-run hospitals and charities, places where the faithful do God’s work. Who promulgated this definition, so stunningly ignorant of the very idea of religious vocation? The almighty HHS secretary.

Krauthammer concludes that the day of reckoning is upon us:

Today, it’s the Catholic Church whose free-exercise powers are under assault from this cascade of diktats sanctioned by — indeed required by — Obamacare. Tomorrow it will be the turn of other institutions of civil society that dare stand between unfettered state and atomized citizen.

Rarely has one law so exemplified the worst of the Leviathan state — grotesque cost, questionable constitutionality and arbitrary bureaucratic coerciveness. Little wonder the president barely mentioned it in his latest State of the Union address. He wants to be reelected. He’d rather talk about other things.

But there’s no escaping it now. Oral arguments begin Monday at 10 a.m.

Let us hope (and pray to God) that those holding the gavel and scales of justice will look beyond mere precedence that has been so wrong and trampling so many times before, but instead focus on the words, wisdom and original intent of the Constitution, along with that most important Founding principle, Providence, to guide their ruling in the maintenance of a free people.