Friday, March 2, 2012

Romney stole MI delegate from Santorum

I added an update to the Santorum's Michigan delegates post concerning the Romney camp's Chicago-style maneuver, and Levin had some comments to add to that in reference to an NBC report:

In response to criticism that the Michigan GOP changed its rules to benefit native son Mitt Romney, Michigan GOP committeeman Saul Anuzis -- a Romney supporter -- said the winner-take-all aspect for the at-large delegates was always agreed upon, and any misunderstanding was due to an error in the party's memo.

"Regrettably, there was an error in the memo drafted and sent to the respective campaigns," Anuzis said. "There were questions raised at the time the memo was drafted as to whether the legal language used was accomplishing the goal of the committee and we were advised that it was, but now it is clear that the memo did not properly communicate the intent of the committee. The email traffic surrounding the drafting of the memo in early February makes explicitly clear what the intent of the committee was."

But in an interview with NBC News three weeks ago -- on Feb. 8 -- Michigan GOP Chair Robert Schostak clearly stated that Michigan's at-large delegates would be awarded PROPORTIONALLY.

Anything goes, Romney supporters?