Friday, March 30, 2012

Kagan: ‘a boatload of federal money...doesn’t sound coercive to me’

And this among four of the lib justices deciding the fate of Obamacare. It's best to just frame this starting with Rush's comments:

"This is a woman who taught law at Harvard. She was the dean of Harvard Law. Which means she's smarter than anybody else. She's smarter than the dean of law at Columbia and she's smarter than the dean at Stanford. She's just as smart as the dean over there at Oxford. There's nobody smarter. When you're the dean of Harvard Law, you're it. And she has no clue. She cannot conceive, she has no concept of the notion that the federal government cannot force citizens to buy anything. By the same token, the government can't force you not to buy anything. Works both ways. So the lawyers are talking about this using the term coercion, coerce people. This compulsory contract, which is an oxymoron. And she's frustrated. She doesn't understand why people don't understand this. She doesn't understand why people think this is unconstitutional. It's a mystery to her. You mean we can't give people health care? I don't understand. Here's how she said it."

Former Dean of Harvard-freakin'-Law School, and this genius says this is a 'gift'. This is what we get with an Obama appointee. Is there any wonder why the law profession has become so reviled?