Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time to stand firm, Republican Leadership

We’ve seen these guys under pressure before; it’s not pretty. So certainly, NOW is the time to encourage, to demand, that these leaders stand firm and back up their tough talk with tough action and true conviction.

Yesterday, Speaker Boehner told reporters that “What the President is asking us to do just won’t pass,” in regards to the status of the debt talks. He insisted that dealing with the White House is ‘like dealing with Jell-O’ and that “the only thing they’ve been firm on is these damn tax increases.”

CNN reports, “The Speaker believes the broad set of options discussed during the daily White House meetings would not muster enough support within his caucus because they would raise taxes and demand smaller, less meaningful cuts than needed.”

Also, it’s reported that when Obama asked Congressional leaders this morning to join him in a weekend summit at Camp David, ultimately to coax the Speaker along, Boehner’s spokesperson properly delivered the statement that “The Speaker has told the White House he sees no need to go to Camp David this weekend.” Right on! Now stay on target; cast aside the panic.

More tough talk from McConnell, with some mixed messages…

This is the right thing to say, “[Obama] really gave us three bad choices: higher taxes, smoke and mirrors or default. And we refuse to accept any of them. Republicans will not be reduced to being the tax collectors for the Obama economy. We won’t be seduced into calling a bad deal an ‘good deal’. And we won’t let the White House fool around with the full faith and credit of the United States. If the President wants to threaten seniors or veterans, or rattle the world economy by pretending he can’t pay our bills, he of course can do that, but he’s not going to implicate Republicans in these efforts.” Right on, right on!

Here’s where McConnell goes wrong, “That’s why I propose as a last resort a plan that would force the White House to really show its hand.” Have we not learned, Sen. McConnell, that by giving this man an inch he’ll take it a statist mile?! But furthermore, It is not the executive body’s appropriate role to act as the legislature, nor is it the legislative branch’s role to take on faux executive veto responsibilities, outside the normal checks and balances. “If the President would rather default than cut back on the size and scope of government, let him explain that. If he’d rather preserve his vision of Washington than protect entitlements, let him explain that. If he and the Democratic Senate would rather borrow and spend us into oblivion, they can certainly do that.” NO! They should never be permitted to do so, and it’s your responsibility and role as Senate Minority Leader to use everything within your power to prevent that, not willingly hand him the power to further destroy! This position allows the very cover that you expressed you didn’t want to give them.

McConnell went on to get back on the right path by expressing that the “single, most effective way” to get our fiscal house back in order, is with a balanced budget amendment. So use that as leverage. Do NOT fall for the scare tactics…the administration is running on empty in the realm of responsible solutions.


Guys, here’s your theme song…now roll with it!

Note: when you tip your hat to the ‘new constitution’, understand that it’s the original text and not the progressive twists invoked throughout the 20th century!