Tuesday, July 12, 2011

McConnell: a ‘real solution’ is impossible with this president (UPDATE) So capitulate, Mitch?!

“After years of discussions, and months of negotiations, I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is probably unattainable."

“If the American People have learned one thing over the past few years, it’s that they need to bring their decoder rings to any debate in Washington these days. When Democrats say ‘investment’, they mean ‘government spending’; when they say ‘revenue’, they mean ‘higher taxes’; and when they say ‘shared sacrifice’, they mean they want you to take a hit, not Washington.”

“In my view, the President has presented us with three choices: smoke and mirrors, tax hikes or default. Republicans choose none of the above. I had hoped to do good, but I refuse to do harm. So, Republicans will choose a path that actually reflects the Will of the People, which is to do the responsible thing and insure that the government doesn’t default on its obligations and to continue to press the administration to reign in Washington.”

Wow, Mitch…

UPDATE:  Well, it looks like Mitch has stabbed us in the back, again...WTF, Mitch?!  How does that Senate floor speech go from tough talk to what Erick Erickson of Red State accurately calls "a historic capitulation"...?

"So fearful of being blamed for a default, McConnell is proposing a compromise that lets Barack Obama raise the debt ceiling without making any spending cuts at all."

"McConnell’s idea is to make the debt ceiling automatic, unless Congress, by a 2/3 vote, blocks the increase. Oh yes, he put a salve on it by dressing it up in tough talk that, to quote the Wall Street Journal, “[a] ‘real solution’ to U.S. fiscal problems isn’t possible as long as President Barack Obama remains in office.” So since no “real solution” is possible, McConnell proposes to go Pontius Pilate and wash his hands of spending, blaming Obama while doing nothing himself."

Son of a...this will NEVER fly with conservatives in the Senate or the majority of House Republicans, or most importantly, the AMERICAN PEOPLE!  What are you doing, Mitch?  If this is the way you'd enable the statists by handing over the legislative responsibility to the uncontrollable executive branch, which may even questionably be unconstitutional, then it's time for McConnell to step aside as the Senate Minority Leader, as this is anything but RESPONSIBLE!