Saturday, July 30, 2011

Marco Rubio: Honorable Moment of the Day

Through all the debate of Saturday, one truly remarkable moment cannot go without mention.  Now THIS is presidential...

"I would love nothing more than compromise.  But I would say to you that compromise that's not a solution is a waste of time.  If my house was on fire, I can't compromise about which part of the house I'm going to save!  You save the whole house, or it will all burn down.  We either save this country, or we do not; and to save it, we must seek solutions."

YES!!  Taking notes, Barry and Harry, or Boehner and McConnell for that matter?

RedState writer Aaron Gardner covered the exchange, not without poking a little fun at Sen. Kerry, but most importantly attached a 'P.S.' to his post well worth repeating:

If you want to see more like Sen. Rubio in the Senate in 2013 then you should probably consider sending a few dollars to the Senate Conservatives Fund while they still have some bit of worth. Ted Cruz and Josh Mandel would love to join Senators DeMint, Rubio, Lee, Paul, and Johnson.