Monday, July 11, 2011

Obama's insult to injury, Boehner holds the line

Here's the question of the day from CBS correspondent Chip Reid followed by the insult of the day with Obama's response, all in one soundbyte...

Yeah,'re too stupid to understand what's going on, so leave it up to the 'professional politicians' Obama, Biden, Reid and Pelosi, along with all the other cronies.  The Republican leadership, uhum, the establishment members, that is, can at least sit in the back of the bus and be happy about it, right?  Pretty much most of the same players that further eased us to the precipice at which we now find ourselves.

Speaker Boehner, all We the People can say is that you must hold the line: no tax hikes; let's cut, cap and balance, as you professed this morning...

And as James Pethokoukis of Reuters informs us, if there's no big budget deal, Obama's to blame, not Boehner:

"President Barack Obama could have done two things that might have saved his Mother of All Budget Deals. First, he could have embraced market-centered, consumer -focused reforms to Medicare. That was about as likely as him accepting an Obamacare rollback. Second, he could have agreed — as House Speaker John Boehner and Republicans suggested — to sharply reduce tax rates in return for fewer special tax deductions/breaks/loopholes/subsidies. Recall that is what his own debt commission recommended."

Instead, as Pethokoukis concludes, "Obama sees a need for a permanently bigger government and a lot more tax revenue to fund it. Had Obama agreed with his own debt commission and Republicans, a big agreement was possible. Or he could have proposed real reforms to entitlements. But he declined and there wasn’t a mega-deal. Don’t blame Boehner for that."