Saturday, July 16, 2011

A caller's message that must be heard

This is assuredly the best Levin Show caller of the week!  Just wanted to share Ken's message, because I think it not only grabbed the attention of the host, but also that of the audience, with a cohesiveness one feels when reading the thoughts of some of our great conservative philosophers of the past, as well as our contemporaries (definitely, including Levin!). This guy is so good, Mark has to slow him down a few times to keep him from stealing the show…HA! Here’s the link to Friday’s audio replay, and you can skip to 62:48 minutes in (transcript below)…enjoy!

Mark: “Let’s go to Ken, New York, the great WABC, go!”

Ken: “Hey, Mark. How you doing? I’m really looking forward to your book. I really appreciate everything you do.”

Mark: “Well, thank you, sir. We’ve got a ways to go, but thank you.”

Ken: “Well, what I want to talk about is when Obama said he couldn’t guarantee Social Security checks, it’s more than a lie, it’s a threat. And I think what this underscores is that in the hands of a tyrant or political opportunist, programs like Social Security or Obamacare have nothing to do with compassion and have everything to do with control, and that’s why Obamacare was passed without even being read.”

Mark: “You see, you, sir, are perceptive. You know exactly what all this crap is about. It’s not about healthcare, it’s not about education, and it’s not about welfare. It’s about destroying the individual and controlling the individual. You are exactly right.”

Ken: “And I’d like to make a larger point, and that is, socialism achieves its ends because it’s a perversion of human compassion and idealism. And that’s the reason why Reagan properly called socialism ‘evil’. And I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that liberalism isn’t just a political orientation or a political opponent, this is a secular religious cult with an agenda that’s not only directly opposed to liberty, but has no other means of being realized accept through tyranny.”

Mark: “You’re quite right. And how many times have I called what we’re living in a soft tyranny?"

Ken: “And liberty is just simply incompatible with the society that liberals tell us they want."

Mark: “That’s exactly right. You’re exactly right.”

Ken: “And if you look at…”

Mark: “Hold on, you’re on a roll. Go ahead.”

Ken: “If you look at the Soviet Union, and you study it from the impact it had on people’s lives, not just the starvation, not just the empty grocery stores, the psychological components of socialism. This is what you talk about, when you talk about perversion of language, is that this is a society in which you had to adhere to…"

Mark: “Alright, you’re saying too much. You’re saying too much.”

Ken: “But, in the Soviet Union, this was a society in which you had to adhere to the political thought, or else you were at best ostracizing…”

Mark: “I’m only saying ‘you’re saying too much’ because you’re too good. I want to save it.”

Ken: “Oh, ok.”

Mark: “But let me say this to you. You’re a very sharp guy, very, very sharp guy. And let me ask you this question, my friend. It seems to me that any society that outlaws lemonade stands can’t exactly be called a free society, can it?”

Ken: “No, not at all. And there are larger issues here. This isn’t just about the debt, this is about the nature of the society that we want to live under.”

Mark: “Well, you’re quite right, and…”

Ken: “You know, in some ways the debt is the symptom. I mean, when Obama made the threat about Social Security, he was using the existing Marxist apparatus to make a play for even more power and money.”

Mark: “That’s right.”

Ken: “So, I mean…”

Mark: “And by the way, where does this end?”

Ken: “Yeah, you already have lost and dependent people who they can’t live without government. So, when Obamacare gets passed, and you have a child who has cancer, and the President comes on television and says, ‘unless you pass my program, I’m gonna cut off cancer treatment,’ then at that point, everything’s lost."

Mark: “Alright, my friend. You make excellent, excellent points. Good to hear from you.”

Ken: “I appreciate everything you do.”

Mark: “There’s a good caller, right there. He’s right on. It’s all in Liberty and Tyranny, and he’s got it, he’s right.”