Friday, July 15, 2011

GOP embraces Cut, Cap & Balance plan, while Obama politically postures

The Hill reports, "House Republican leaders have thrown their support behind the "Cut, Cap and Balance" plan that conservatives are demanding in return for an increase in the federal debt ceiling."  Bravo!

According to lawmakers who attended an 8 a.m. meeting of the Republican Conference, GOP House members rallied Friday behind an effort to cut spending, cap spending in future years and pass a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution — a package that has been pushed in the House by the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

The Daily Caller points out that not only has the leadership announced the introduction of the Act (which will be voted on next week), but that they're calling on the President to “put a real plan on the table” addressing real reform and real spending cuts:

In doing so, House Republicans put the spotlight on Democrats and the president for never putting any real plan to paper. The Republican message is, “We’ve done that.”

“Time and time again Republicans have offered serious proposals,” said Speaker Boehner, pointing to the budget proposal offered by Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. “I think it’s time to for Democrats to get serious as well.”

Immediately following this announcement by the Republican Conference, Obama holds a presser of his own, politically posturing while claiming Republicans guessed it, 'politically posturing'...

Listen closely to his answer to Jake Tapper's question...

Obama gives non-specifics and shows an unwillingness to accept the dysfunction of the government's role in maintaining these systems, or restructuring them so that they might work for future generations. $6000 more...pulled that figure out of the air! Modest modifications saving trillions of dollars? Where's the plan? Just words...

Or check out this answer to Hans Nichols' question...

Political statements? Mirror, please. about CUTTING? Inflation? That's where we're heading under his direction. He continues with more class warfare rhetoric (surprise).

One last example of Obama's political posturing, today alone, from The Hill:

President Obama on Friday kept up the pressure on Republicans to agree to revenue increases in a deal to raise the debt ceiling, claiming 80 percent of the public supports Democrats' demand for tax increases.

"The American people are sold," he said. "The problem is members of Congress are dug in ideologically."

The People are sold on tax hikes?  Don't think so, yet another Obama lie according to a Rasmussen poll.  Who's the ideologue?  Who's dug in and not budging?  Again, mirror, please!

So while conservatives persuade the Republican leadership into pursuing the responsible path back to fiscal sanity, Obama's blind ideology (and Reid's and others of the statist flavor) disables his ability to reach the reasonable conclusion that his tax and spend irrationalities cannot stabilize, nor sustain, America's economic prosperity, Moody's rating or otherwise.