Sunday, July 10, 2011

The heat isn't the only thing rising this summer...

The bummer of Obama's recovery is on the rise this summer with unemployment up...

...and more BS from BO.

The sad state of affairs is that it doesn't have to be this way, particularly when the reasonable, rational, responsible reality of the situation is expressed by the brightest...

“We don’t need new taxes. We need new taxpayers, people that are gainfully employed, making money and paying into the tax system. Then we need a government that has the discipline to take that additional revenue and use it to pay down the debt and never grow it again.”

...and wisest among such outstanding members of Congress.

"What we really need to do is recognize that the main problem here, the thing that's effecting our economy and jobs, is an overbearing government that's spending too much, it's borrowing too much, it's creating too much debt. So thousands of Americans and many Republicans in Congress are uniting around the idea that we will give the president his increase in the debt limit in return for some reasonable cuts in spending this year, some caps in spending over the next ten years, and his agreement to send a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution to the states for them to ratify. We can't solve the Social Security, Medicare, tax issue this week, but we can agree that it's time to stop spending more than we're bringing in."

When asked if he believes the country will default if the debt ceiling is not raised by August 2nd, DeMint responded, "No I don't. I think Secretary Geithner has been irresponsible, he's playing chicken little here. The fact is, we will pay our debts if it's the last dollar we have. There are enough assets in Social Security and Medicare to pay benefits of those programs for several years. Other programs can be funded from tax revenue. There'd certainly be disruption, but this in not a deadline that we should rush and make a bad deal, and do something that cuts benefits from seniors without giving them better choices. But what we need to do, we're not gonna get these programs reformed and done in two weeks, is let's agree that the problem is spending and debt, and let's agree that stop spending more than we're bringing in, not this year, not next year, but let the states decide if sometimes over the next 6-10 years, is bring our budget into balance. 49 states have to balance their budgets, and they have to make the tough decisions every year. We never make the tough decisions, because we don't have to balance our budget."

Of course, what does Obama do?  What you'd expect of a radical ideologue: Obama's giving Congress a 10-day ultimatum!  10 days to figure out the next 10 years of deficit reduction...anyone feeling another ramrod moment coming on?

So it all boils down to the usual question: When will the rest, the majority of elected officials, listen to REASON, particularly the Republican Leadership?!  I'm really not looking forward to another screw please don't submit to this temporary ruler, GOP!