Thursday, February 24, 2011

Obama/MSM on the wrong side of…pretty much EVERYTHING!

In Wisconsin, Obama sides with public sector unions siphoning off the taxpayers. It’s no surprise that most of the MSM follow suit…and yes, even FOX has its drones misinforming. THANK YOU, MARK! (BTW, ‘Shemp’ should have researched)

On Libya, while slaughter is occurring daily, Obama remained hesitant to criticize Gadhafi, perhaps due to their ‘kinship’? And the MSM continues to provide excuses.

On Obama’s recent ‘jobs tour’, one MSM report temporarily breaks rank and tips us off to the fact that “In eight trips outside Washington since Election Day, Obama - who frequently says he uses such travel to better understand the lives of Americans - has held almost no formal meetings with groups of unemployed people or organizations that advocate for them. White House officials were unable to give a single example of him on these trips interacting, even in private, with a person who had recently lost a job…”

And seemingly out of the blue, Obama has instructed the DOJ not to defend standing DOMA law, because…well, he doesn’t like it anymore. Never mind that he doesn’t have the authority to do so. But as much as media outlets trumpet the celebration of Obama’s 'declaration', they reflectively fret over the ‘what ifs’ of a Republican presidency (oh, dear!).

The list goes on and on and on…both continue to be on the wrong side of the American citizenry.

But let’s end this on a positive thought (PLEASE!). Where Obama wavers on Libya, Palin sores. Expounding on Palin’s decisiveness and reflecting on Obama’s latest whim, Jeffrey Lord brings the point home in this anecdote on the ‘what if’ fears of the Left! As Rush commented today, "could you imagine the outcry?"  Oh, the irony…

ADDENDUM:  More of the 'on and on and on'...

Early in his presidency, we were told that we had to pass that economic stimulus law to save the economy and create or ‘save’ jobs…now, not only are we in a fiscal hole, but the CBO informs us that ‘each’ of those jobs cost a minimum average of $228,055!!! And guess who’s collecting those salaries? You got it: the public sector workforce. In Wisconsin alone, three-fourths of stimulus-related jobs went to public sector unions. I guess that makes sense in a ‘bribe your constituents’ sort of way! And the media condones the current practice with ‘anti-union’ or ‘union busting’ headlines.

And it’s no wonder that this administration would shrug aside laws that it doesn’t agree with, like DOMA, when they openly defy court rulings lifting the federal ban on drilling and against implementation of Obamacare. Consider the former issue of Obama’s defiance towards drilling, when observing the latest report that shows offshore drilling could make Alaska the eighth largest oil producer in the world!

They no longer ask "How can we fool them today?", but rather "How can we RULE them today?"