Thursday, February 17, 2011

Geithner admits Obama’s budget WON’T WORK!

While Sen. Sessions was questioning Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today in a Budget Committee hearing, Geithner admits that Obama’s budget is “unsustainable”! The president’s OWN GUY admits this WILL NOT WORK!

And Geithner’s rebuttal: “What’s the alternative plan?” Oh, let’s see…how about NOT SPENDING WHAT WE CANNOT AFFORD!! Unbelievable. I guess this is as good as we get with a tax cheat sitting as our current Treasury Secretary. Rubber stamp Obama’s plan and send it on to Congress, no questions asked…

Perhaps "deeper" into the meaning of this confession is what else Geithner says: "We'll be able to see from the House, we'll be able to see from this body, whether you people can find the political will here to go deeper..."  Sounds like he just tipped us off to what the next inevitable step will be, as we know Obama won't sign off on the amount of cuts Republicans are going after: a SHUT DOWN.