Saturday, June 22, 2013

Supposedly, Marco Rubio was 'strongly against amnesty' before he was for it

Or rather, before he became the poster boy for it! 

Marco Rubio, and his pal Paul Ryan, bombarded us with those radio ads and blitzed one program after another, touting what's become apparent to everyone, flat-out amnesty. So before he votes for this bill on Monday, he, his constituents and all of America should consider what this man said just 3 short years ago as he exited his Florida speakership...
"I'm strongly against amnesty... The most important thing we need to do is enforce our existing laws. ... Nothing will make it harder to enforce your existing laws if you reward people who broke them. In essence, if you go to people and say 'look, well, you've been here for so long, that even though you broke the law, we're gonna let you stay.' Number One: It demoralizes people who are going through the legal process. It's a very clear signal that why go through the legal process if you can accomplish the same thing through the illegal process. And Number Two: It demoralizes the people enforcing the law."
Here's the key bit:
"So I am not, and I will never support, never have and never will support any effort to grant blanket legalization amnesty to folks who have entered or stayed in this country illegally."

Or how about a similarly consistent comment during his Senatorial bid, explaining that an "earned path to citizenship is basically code for amnesty..."
CNSNews: When former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio was running for the Senate in 2010--as a conservative candidate backed by the Tea Party movement--he insisted that illegal aliens inside the United States would need to go home and that giving illegal aliens "an earned path to citizenship," such as his opponent Gov. Charlie Crist, former President George W. Bush and Sen. John McCain had advocated, was nothing more than a "code for amnesty."

Where's that Rubio now? Dramatic shift? Not quite...

Not that Charlie Crist would have performed any more valiantly. He would not of. But according to those Floridians in the know preceding his Senatorial bid, Marco was quite a different political animal...

If all of that's in its proper context, boy, were we bilingually hoodwinked!

It never ceases to amaze me how hard it is for so many Republicans these days to pick a side and stand for something, preferably principle.

Related links: Actually it’s ’11 million undocumented Democrats’ plus Marco Rubio
Rubio vs. Rubio

The Curious Case of Marco Rubio: Amnesty Flip-Flopper
Pssst… Sen. Rubio, Remember Me?
They'll never get it: Republicans poised to repeat 2012 mistakes in 2016
Rubio favorability drops 15 points among GOP in Rasmussen poll