Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Levin: 'Who’s done more damage to this nation, Edward Snowden or Barack Obama?'

Forget Boehner's moronic shiny object comments in this segment. Even Snowden's irrelevant to the point. If the answer to Mark's question is as obvious to you and me, a follow up question might then be why are millions of our fellow Americans still illusioned? Answer to follow...
"Who has done more National Security damage to this nation? I mean who is it, that is not securing the southern border? Who is it, who’s slashing and burning aspects of the United States Military? Who is it that’s doing these things? It’s not some little jerk named Snowden, or somebody else. It’s our President, Barack Hussein Milhouse Obama.

Who is making us more vulnerable ladies and gentlemen? I’m very very serious about this. With his embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood. Let me suggest the Commander In Chief, that’s who. And I mean it."

If you don't already know what I'm about to say before I say it, here's that answer: Because too many are still not making the connection between the man and his destructive policies/scandals (see: Limbaugh Theorem). In defense of the low-information voter, much of the maintenance of this illusion can be attributed to the worthless lot of mainstream media sycophants.