Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Levin: 'Nobody's in the shadows,' DC profiles Americans, but won't secure our border, bends over backwards for illegals

Mark Levin picks up where Rush left off...
"We have people in Washington, D.C. who refuse to protect this country...

We are data mining everybody's phone numbers, and a number of my friends are jumping to their feet saying this is not a violation of this, that and the other, and all logic and reason is thrown out the window. So, if you will, we are profiling Americans by their phone numbers. Now, on the other hand, we refuse to secure our southern border. We refuse to secure the interior of the United States from people who are here, foreigners, illegally. We don't know who they are, we don't know what they're up to, and apparently, we don't care. Now this is outrageous.

We don't data mine illegal aliens who come here. As a matter of fact, local and state law enforcement is not really allowed to ask them anything. And if they do, lawsuits are brought... So all common sense is put aside, all sensory capabilities are put aside. And we create walls, not to secure the border, but around law enforcement to prevent law enforcement from doing what they do best.

These are called civil rights violations now. Civil rights violations of illegal aliens who come into our country.

We have foreign governments lobbying your Congress for provisions in this thousand page bill, because they want your money. They want their citizens, they're not our citizens, they want their citizens to send money from here back to their country. They're corrupt, no damn good governments. They're laughing at us here...

Now I expect this from Schumer, I expect this from Reid and Pelosi. These people despise America, which is why they want to fundamentally transform it. If you love America, you want to preserve it; if you hate it, you want to fundamentally transform it. So that's the party of fundamental transformation."
Then Levin launched into the establishment RINO Repubics who are leading the charge towards their own demise, particularly discussing Paul Ryan and later on, his notion of 'earned legalization'...
"Now why won’t Paul Ryan come on this program, or others? Who I’m going to start inviting. Republicans, so-called Conservatives. On the air. ... I’ll tell you why they won’t come on. ... If the Republicans wanted to stop this, it would be stopped. But they don't want to stop it!

Karl Rove is raising millions of dollars and running ads. Republicans behind the scenes, out of your view, are working out deals. The Speaker of the House, a Republican that the Tea Party put in office, announcing that his #1 priority isn't the fiscal protection of this nation, isn't the border security of this nation, isn't an adequately funded military in this nation. His #1 priority is immigration reform?

We the People, the American people, should be the #1 priority, not people who knowingly came here illegally, who knowingly crossed the border illegally, who evaded our security, who purposefully jumped in front of the line. We bend over backwards, and we act like these folks are more noble and more virtuous than We the People. They're not!

This isn't about discrimination, this isn't about any such thing. This isn't about being anti-immigrant, this isn't any such thing. This is about justice. This is about right and wrong. This is about law and order. This is about the right of any nation to secure its border. We should secure our border the way Mexico secures its border, the way Central America secures their borders... We don't have a no-immigration policy in this country. We have a legal immigration policy in this country that is laughed at.

People in the shadows? Nobody's in the shadows. They're lined up at 7-11, they're at every bus corner, they're in every mall. Who's in the shadows? What the hell are people talking about?

Every left-wing group in America is pushing this. Every big union boss is pushing this. Every single Democrat in the House and the Senate is pushing this. And look what's going on. We have Rove, the svengali... Why am I particularly frustrated about this? Because ladies and gentlemen, this separates the boys from the men and the girls from the women."
Mark further discussed Paul Ryan's comments on 'earned legalization', as well as his appearnce on CNBC earlier today where he said they would push for a path to citizenship 'despite flak from the right'...

I know Mark's friends with Rubio, but perhaps he'll eventually come around to acknowledging how that guy's arm-in-arm with Ryan. Don't let him fool ya, Marco's not setting any record straight on border security or on any damn part of this destructive bill.

Related link: Reid blocks Senate vote on border security amendment to immigration bill

ADDENDUM: Mark also spoke with Michele Bachmann about the fast-tracking of the bill. The congresswoman bluntly stated that if amnesty passes, no conservative president will ever be elected again...
"Unless people melt the phone lines here in Congress, with both the Senate and the House, this is gonna be done. It’s the number one political item of President Obama. Republican Leadership is helping this get through, for some reason. And this will mean permanent Progressive policies. It will mean no Republican will ever get elected again for President, no Constitutional Conservative that is. It will change us forever."