Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Levin goes rounds with Paul Ryan on amnesty push

Paul Ryan decided to join Mark Levin tonight for an interesting discussion on this amnesty bill...
TheRightScoop: Mark Levin went back and forth with Paul Ryan on his radio show regarding the push for immigration reform, asking tough questions along the way and at one point even telling Paul Ryan that he doesn’t ‘buy it for a second.’

Mark also brought up today's CBO report. While the media are swooning over the supposed deficit reduction (which there's none, because the CBO doesn't factor in all the additional welfare and other government benefits that will drain any notion of savings), Mark points out that the CBO revealed that the Gang's bill will only reduce illegal immigration by 25% (flashback to 2007!)...so add an additional 10 million illegals over the next decade to the pot! As if it's not already boiling over...

Related link: 8 million to gain legal status in Senate immigration bill, CBO says