Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Gang's immigration bill: the irony, the rush, the deception

It's quite ironic that while the nation was focused on the apprehension of terror suspects last week, who were here due in part to the undermining of existing law, the Senate's Gang of Eight saw fit to introduce their 844-page immigration monstrosity, which further bastardizes the legal process. Make no mistake, this is yet another bill that focuses not on the problem of illegal alien entry into America, nor on the fundamental securing of our border; but instead, it resurrects the failed Bush/McCain/Kennedy plan (with a Democratic shot of adrenaline and more Republican dupe this time) that once again schemes to legalize those here, while encouraging further thwarting of the rule of law. In other words, it doesn't solve a damn thing...besides flooding the Democratic voter base over the next decade, which they've been emboldened to reveal per the prior post (which still doesn't solve a thing).

Why must this bill be rushed through the legislative process? Why not put it on ICE for a while, as William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection so poignantly shares among his many concerns...
And the reason we need “immigration reform” urgently is?

I’m getting very uncomfortable with the rush to vote on an 844-page bill.

Let it hang out in the air for a while.

If it doesn’t stink, the fresh air and sunshine won’t hurt it.

If it does stink, the fresh air and sunshine will do it good.

Ted Cruz is asking hard questions and challenging assumptions, and is being demonized for it. That tells me much of what I need to know.

Chuck Schumer is clucking like he’s the King Rooster. That tells me the rest of what I need to know.
And referring to that Politico piece, Jacobson reminds us we are not talking about 11 million new voters who are here legally, we are talking about giving a bonanza of currently illegal voters to the Democrats through immigration “reform” and a pathway to citizenship for people who broke our laws to get here.

Likewise, the Heritage Foundation shares their reservations with the good, the bad and the ugly of such a drastically massive endeavor...
The good news is Congress cares about trying to fix our flawed immigration system and broken borders.

The bad news is they want to do it with a solution that looks a lot like Obamacare—the “Gang of Eight” 844-page-plus “comprehensive” bill.

The sad news is that such an “easy button” solution will not improve our immigration system.

History shows that big bills designed to solve everything wind up creating as many problems as they address. They become loaded with payoffs for special interests and often introduce measures that work at cross purposes.
Furthermore, Heritage details how this bill fails from the start in several aspects: 1.) it indeed grants amnesty and accommodates fraud in the process, 2.) it doesn't account for the fiscal costs to taxpayers over the lifespans of individuals being legalized, 3.) it's a Trojan horse for government spending, 4.) it requires 'border triggers' towards enforcement that have yet to be proven successful or effective, and 5.) it questionably 'modernizes' visas. And that's just the top five problems that they've been able to distinguish in this behemoth.

Yet, the Gang of Eight would dismiss these details, while disseminating deception with a new ad campaign aimed directly at red states, using none other than the disappointingly naive junior Senator from Florida...

End De Facto Amnesty by supporting a convoluted bill that will in effect grant amnesty, Senator? Not to mention its failure to solve the problems.

And what of the law enforcement perspective from those who actually have the job of securing our border and regulating lawful entry? Why has their say in all of this been undermined by introducing a bill that they had no input in drafting? That they were specifically excluded from?

Here's Monday's testimony from Chris Crane, ICE Officer and President of the National ICE Council representing our nation's ICE officers, agents and staff...apparently, the only union that the Obama administration doesn't approve of or suck up to. Listen to his legitimate concerns in the rush to pass this legislation and the lawlessness encouraged through such legislation...

In addition, Crane held a press conference on Friday informing the public that immigration agents had filed a lawsuit against DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE Director John Morton because "both have refused to enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress. DHS and ICE knowingly manipulate arrest and deportation data with the specific intent of misleading the American public with regard to the enforcement of illegal immigration in our country."

Question for Rubio, McCain, all of the Gang of Eight Republicans, or any of the GOP Senators and Representatives who'd consider supporting such colluded legislation: If we have an Executive Branch that picks and chooses what parts of current law it feels like enforcing or disregarding on any given day, but doesn't uphold the entirety of immigration law in this country, then what pray tell are the chances that this reform will suddenly be treated any differently? Because it's bipartisan? That's Democratic code for 'fooled you again, suckers!'

In light of the immigration debacle surrounding the Boston bombing terrorists, the question of whether citizenship is a new tactic, alongside other cases out there, one would expect such proposed reforms to take a more inquiring and careful approach. This Congress would seem to do the unfortunate opposite at the bequest of political expediency, rushing through and expanding the lawlessness it's supposed to restrain. And in that deception lies the ultimate irony.