Friday, April 5, 2013

Hope for the future

Now for a positive Friday post! There may be hope for America after all, folks.

From the Baby Boomers to Gen X, and many Millennials coming of age unfortunately, far too many of the new adults (and I use that word rather loosely) have been abandoning the lessons of past generations, thinking 'new' is better, and have progressively advanced our society, and our nation on whole, towards the ash heap of history. Yet, when hope seems to be dwindling at record pace, we witness some great examples of youth who are heeding the lessons of those before them and demonstrating that America still  has a fighting chance...

Check out this MUST SEE clip of a 15-year-old girl utterly dismantling arguments for gun control:

Or this AWESOME 13-year-old Rush caller ripping liberals over the hoax of man-made global warming:

These kids, and many more out there, are coalescing with conservatives of our generations to strengthen hope for the future of this exceptional nation.

Related link: Young Conservatives: The Hushed Future