Friday, April 26, 2013

Holder calls amnesty a 'civil right', McCain concedes reform 'won't gain a single Hispanic vote'

If we buy into Eric Holder's argument, which professes that illegally inhabiting America (through a 'pathway' or otherwise) is now a civil right, then what's left? How can we refuse anyone? There's no point in borders, sovereignty, citizenship, or even law. This notion is absurd. But it certainly makes it easier to call one who opposes it a racist, now doesn't it?

FoxNation: During a April 24th speech to the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Attorney General Eric Holder said that creating a "pathway to earned citizenship" was a "civil right.”
"Creating a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million unauthorized immigrants in this country is essential. The way we treat our friends and neighbors who are undocumented – by creating a mechanism for them to earn citizenship and move out of the shadows – transcends the issue of immigration status. This is a matter of civil and human rights. It is about who we are as a nation. And it goes to the core of our treasured American principle of equal opportunity."
And Sen. McCain, if passing this legislation, and thus granting amnesty to millions of illegals, won’t gain us a single Hispanic vote, then guess what? There is no playing field to compete in! If you've only got 15-20% of the Hispanic vote now, and amnesty won't gain a single vote, but will increase your rival's by millions, then you've already condemned your party, moron!
HotAir: Forget all the stuff you know about polls showing that Latinos support ObamaCare, gay marriage, bigger government, and various and sundry other policies that most conservatives oppose. Forget all the electoral arguments. If this is Maverick’s core rationale for passing the Gang of Eight bill, that the GOP simply can’t remain competitive without a grand pander on immigration, then it really doesn’t matter what the details of the final bill are, right? From his standpoint, the policy implications of the bill are entirely irrelevant. If Schumer turned around tomorrow and demanded a blanket amnesty with zero border security and was somehow able to convince McCain that Republicans would win more Latino votes — eventually — by adopting that position than they’d lose from disaffected conservatives walking away, McCain would presumably be all for it.
Rush chimed in about the amnesty bill, saying 1.) Ted Cruz is right about Obama's campaign motives in pushing the bill to fail, but 2.) if the amnesty bill passes, there will be no GOP...
"The base will disintegrate in terms of support for the Republican Party. And even if the base doesn't, you've got millions of new Democrat voters. It's Republican Party suicide."

Related link: Amnesty = Extinction