Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ingraham/Limbaugh interview Rubio on immigration 'reform'

I've not been impressed at all with Marco Rubio's participation in this Gang of Eight's so-called immigration reform plan, especially when McRINO and Upchuck Schumer are scheming up something that Obama supports!

With that in mind, here's two of the BEST interviews with Marco Rubio on the Gang of Eight's immigration/amnesty plan, given by Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh, who challenge the Senator with most of the questions that conservatives are most concerned about.

Laura's yesterday...
“Isn’t it reasonable for these conservatives to assume that you’ve been duped?”

...and then Rush this morning...
"I don't understand why we're doing something that the Democrats are salivating over..."

(Transcript here)

As both imply, and Rush practically states verbatim, why do we let them set the agenda, and we just respond, instead of saying 'NO!'? The Democrats need to be shut down, along with the border, and existing law needs to be enforced, period. Why would these guys agree to enforce new law when they don't enforce what's on the books now, Senator?

ADDENDUM: Rush added later, "Once there is amnesty, the rest of the liberal agenda is guaranteed."

Related link: This Immigration Bill Just Makes No Sense