Monday, November 19, 2012

Santelli to Boehner: 'For once, DO IT RIGHT!'

Note to Speaker Boehner: Listen to Rick, "For once, DO IT RIGHT!"

TheRightScoop: Rick Santelli says he’s tired of hearing about mandates, that since the House is constitutional originator of legislation that raises revenue, by design whoever wins the House has a mandate. And the fact that the House held their majority in this election, their 2010 mandate still stands. Somebody please get Boehner on the phone and play this for him.

But even more than that, he’s fed up with kicking the government can down the road and never really tackling the big issues that plague us, despite grand overtures and trillions in spending that are supposed to fix our problems. And now that we face a ‘fiscal cliff’ with only days to get it done, Santelli sees the same old game again with entitlements and tax reform getting ignored and phony deals that just push our problems off to another day. He calls them out and says “FOR ONCE DO IT RIGHT!”