Monday, November 5, 2012

A reflection of Obama's record

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." ~ James Madison

So...tomorrow is Election Day! And though some perceptions out there remain cloudy, one thing is certain: this election is a clear choice between Liberty and Tyranny. Choosing less government imposition and more civil liberty, or maintain the present, ever-increasing velocity towards an overbearing, authoritarian State. That choice lies before us all.

Many have voted already. But before those who've waited for Election Day journey to their local poll to cast their final decision, I'd ask of them to do one simple thing: reflect on a record. Recall the many promises that an eager candidate Obama made and reflect on the outcome of those in the four years of his presidency. One will find multitudes broken. Here's only a fraction of those that give cause for concern among either camp:
  • Increase transparency (decreased, more closed-door sessions);
  • Close Guantanamo (still open);
  • Disclose personal records (still waiting for college transcripts, among others);
  • Reduce national debt (grown to $16 trillion);
  • Reduce federal deficit (trillion dollar deficits for four straight years);
  • Unemployment rate no higher than 5% by first term (U-3 is at barely under 8%, U-6 is over 14%);
  • Obamacare is not a tax (fought for and was upheld as a tax)...'keep your plan' and 'no death panels' goes along with the many lies of Obamacare;
  • Reform entitlements (raided Medicare to pay for Obamacare, done nothing towards Social Security solvency, increased food stamps, and stripped out the work requirement for welfare);
  • Immigration reform within first year of taking office (no reforms, raised lawful restrictions through executive order);
  • Tougher rules against lobbyists (increased lobbying/cronyism, picking winners and losers);
  • Increase minimum wage to $9.50 an hour (no plan provided on how to achieve that);
  • No family earning less than $250,000 will see tax increases (negatively affecting small business, and then there's more Obamacare seepage and lies through tax penalties);
  • Work with Republicans to pass an agenda (Obama's brought about a record-setting partisan divide).
The laundry list of broken promises goes on and on and's five pages worth from Politifact...enough to even make a Democrat blush!

Also, add to that the many scandals that have arisen over Obama's first term...again, here's just the few I could think of off the top of my head:
  • Solyndra
  • Fast & Furious
  • Intel leak
  • Keystone Pipeline
  • Voter ID
  • Foreign donors
  • Benghazi
So somehow all of these campaign failures and scandals are supposed to reinvigerate the American people into granting another term to this President and all the king's men? It's time to use our minds, America, and set the campaign rhetoric aside. What we know is that one man has prolonged the mess that he 'inherited', but was elected based on his self-proclaimed capability of fixing it. That man proclaimed that he'd be a one-term president if he couldn't fix it. Yet, now he needs more time? Meanwhile, another seeks to draw upon both his successes and experiences, as well as that of America's, not to remake America, but to reclaim it.

I'll leave you with Arnold Ahlert's conclusion:

Just remember two more things: one, as mentioned above, the list compiled here is by no means complete. A complete list would likely result in sensory overload. Second, and perhaps the most critical consideration of all, this list has been compiled by a president and an administration constrained by the need to get re-elected. It is truly frightening to consider what this bunch, who have already demonstrated their contempt for the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the Constitution, could do once that constraint is removed.

Those are the real stakes in this election. Barring any shenanigans, on Wednesday Americans will learn whether we have stepped back from the precipice -- or abetted our own disintegration.

Bottom line: you want to live in a third world nation? Vote for Obama -- but never, ever say you weren't warned.

Oh, and never forget..."you didn't build that."