Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Like J.R. negotiating with Gilligan

"The way to understand this is, this is J. R. Ewing negotiating with Gilligan, of Gilligan's Island, with J. R. Ewing being the Democrats and Gilligan being the Republicans."

Great analogy of this whole fiscal cliff theater from Rush as he rejoins us this morning.

"That's where this is. And what they're haggling about, if you really want to put this in terms that may be more easily understood, they're haggling over our private property. We have an absolute fiscal disaster that is being blamed on us, when they are the architects, they are the people who spend all the money. Now some of us are culpable because we demand the spending. Some of us -- not me, maybe you, but many others have culpability because they demand some of that spending 'cause they think they're gonna get some of it. But it's a spending-side problem."

"This whole fiscal cliff thing is being done in such a way as to make as many people possible believe that it's the fault of people not paying enough in taxes. We have a fiscal cliff because people are selfish. We have a fiscal cliff because the people this country are selfish and are not paying enough in taxes, and we have a fiscal cliff in this country because the rich are selfish, and they're not paying enough taxes. Let me give you a thought here before we go to the break. This government has spent trillions alone in the War on Poverty, redistribution, trillions overall since the mid-sixties, we have spend trillions of dollars to fix all of these problems. They do nothing but get worse, right? Trillions."

"How much are we talking about in a tax increase on the rich? Billions. Eighty-four billion, hundred billion, whatever it is. Would somebody explain to me how raising taxes on people to the tune of 84 or a hundred billion is gonna matter, when spending trillions prior to all this hasn't? Trillions versus billions. It is our private property that's being haggled over here, and we will not have as much of it when they're finished, and that's all you need to know about this. It's all you need to know. Our private property is up for grabs. They're gonna get more of it when this is all said and done and when that happens we are still going to be blamed for the mess."

Excellent points! Notice also out of all the talk of taxes or 'revenues', how little there is of their spending. Of course, they're not gonna blame it on themselves, when they could just as easily divide Americans and talk us into blaming each other (i.e., rich vs. poor, middle class, fair share and the whole lot of redistributionist clap trap). But even with their desire to tax the rich...billions to pay down TRILLIONS? The math just doesn't add up...yet, a majority of Americans have bought into this sham. And you're even further gone if you think they'll actually use this money taken from the rich to pay down debt!

"Let me try to put this in perspective for you in terms of what this is really all about. The fiscal cliff is theater, nothing more and nothing less. It's a game of political chicken, folks, and it will result in a winner and a loser. The media will act as judge. They will do everything in their power to influence the jury, which are the American people. Obama's already gotten his name written in ink as the winner. Understand, Obama is going to win the fiscal cliff, but it's a game of theater. There will not any substantive entitlement reform. There will not be any spending cuts because there never are. There will be new enhancements to revenue with appropriate questions that people will not ask. But none of this fiscal cliff stuff has anything to do with solving the budget problem or any other fiscal problem that we have."

ADDENDUM: Along those same lines, we've got admirable guys like Rand Paul asking why we have to trade tax increases just to get entitlement reform from Democrats; while despicable ones like Dick Durbin who says he's not willing to give entitlement reforms even for GOP concessions on tax increases. So there ya go...the Left has no intention of negotiating or compromising with the Right...and never have.