Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mediscare in New York

Sounds like a monster-flick (kinda) that took place in NY-26! Where? What happened there? Exactly. However, the liberal media wants you to think that this singular special election in New York spells the end for the GOP or somehow trumps the historic landslide of November 2010 (that the biased media was conveniently near silent on), because it is a seat captured by its numerous Republican predecessors. The Democrat win was accomplished through a number of tactics; and if one travels over to William Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection site, he accurately describes the lessons we should learn from the mistakes made. But aside from such ploys as a fake tea party candidate who siphoned off Republican votes (which actually had a more significant effect than the media and Dems would have you believe), another notable tactic is one that we’re sure to see a lot more of: Mediscare (a.k.a. “scaring the hell out of seniors”), particularly as the liberal media has seized on this. Right down the line, the Democrat talking point on how this is a referendum on Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan is passed from one pundit to another, cascading across the liberal media, supporting the Democrat lie about Medicare and Ryan’s plan. But instead of sitting back and allowing the lies to simply promulgate, Ryan made a series of rounds this morning responding to these distortions, from MSLSD

As an aside, I know the argument of the inability to produce quick, concise explanations is always said to be the downfall of conservative ideals, and I understand that to a degree with individual’s attention span…BUT, Ryan is one of the few who is successfully capable of executing this perplexing task, which is displayed in this case, only taking a couple of minutes to explain this. America, are we that ADHD that we cannot pay attention for more than a few minutes, even as our nation crumbles from the immense weight of debt?! But I digress…to FOX

Rethink that last question, Rep. Ryan…at least a V.P. position! But moving on…

So, despite the facts that Ryan articulates, we have one election up North, and apparently that’s enough of an excuse for the leading crop of RINOs to throw Ryan’s Plan under the bus. From Politico (the liberal publication that RINOs just love to talk to), “a handful of Senate Republicans, including Scott Brown of Massachusetts, and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins from Maine, have said this week that they won’t vote for the Ryan plan when it hits the Senate floor.” Before turning their backs on Ryan, these weak-minded Senators need to take into account the reasonable perspective that a Washington Examiner piece puts nicely into context:

"You can stop reading political news for the next 18 months, the Democrats have already guaranteed their White House victory and House takeover. At least that is what the liberal media wants you to believe. The top Politico headline reads: “Democrats crack 2012 code” and goes on to report: “Democrats now appear to have found a political weapon that’s capable of evening out the fight: Medicare.” As if Democrats just started attacking Republicans over Medicare yesterday. The reality is a bit different…

As AEI’s Henry Olsen notes at The Corner, GOP candidate Jane Corwin underperformed among blue-collar voters. But instead of abandoning House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s plan, Olsen says this means they need to go on offense: “Eric Cantor’s recent statements that Ryan’s plan is the only way to protect Medicare is a step in the right direction, Republicans need to fight the war over the future of Medicare fiercely and intelligently. Perhaps tonight’s debacle will be the wake-up call they sorely need.”

This is dead on. The Democrats do-nothing Medicare plan cuts doctor payments by 30% in 2012 and would cause 25% of all hospitals to go bankrupt by 2030. The Ryan plan actually pays doctors for the health care they provide. If blue-collar voters know these facts in 2012, Republicans will do just fine."

But of course we see far too many times that these tactics, like Mediscare, work with either citizens who never get the necessary information, which the above article nudges Republicans to correct, or the weak of mind in elected office…and speaking of…

Now Harry Reid views this singular win, backed by the media propaganda, as an opportunity to force a vote through the Senate on Ryan’s budget proposal. From ABC: “Democrats believe the political fallout from Rep. Paul Ryan’s controversial budget proposal was evident in their victory in last night’s special election in New York – and on Thursday they hope a Senate vote on Ryan’s plan will cause even more problems for Republicans up for re-election next year.”

This morning, while Rush encouraged the wishy washy GOP to get a grip on the Democrat’s fraud win, he also urged more Republicans in Congress, as well as the 2012 Republican candidates, to pay attention at how the media and Democrats are reacting, to not fall for the scare tactics, and to step up by courageously supporting Ryan’s Plan, instead of backing away, if they desire a real national recovery based on conservative principles.

“We can't do it alone on talk radio, nor can he do it alone -- and he can't pull it off at town hall meetings alone. He's not gonna reach enough people. It is true that when he speaks to seasoned citizens groups, once they hear what the truth is they're for it. Because it doesn't affect 'em! There's not one seasoned citizen that's affected by the Ryan plan. The Democrats are lying about this from sunup to sundown, and then some. Not one Medicare recipient will be affected by the Ryan plan. It's all down the road. Nothing unfair about it at all. If the party doesn't have the guts to stand up and stop this demagoguery now...

If any Republican running for office in 2012 cannot articulate, defend, explain, conservative principles, they're gonna lose. November 2010 was unique. That was an anti-Democrat, anti-Obama vote. And it could be on the national presidential level, could be the same thing in 2012, depending on the economy. But you start getting in these local congressional races and so forth, and it's gonna matter who you are, what you stand for, and you better not be bashful, and you'd better not be afraid of being conservative, and you'd better not be afraid of saying so, and you better be able to say so. Conservatism didn't get beat here.

If you are a Republican running for office in 2012 and you are a conservative, be proud of it. Don't be bashful. Be able to defend conservatism. Be able to articulate it. Do it with energy, affection, excitement. It will carry you. Really no mystery here. But you can't get elected sitting around taking no chances, figuring everybody's gonna vote against the Democrats again.”

Also, we shouldn't leave it up to the few reliable journalists, like Neil Cavuto, to explain away the ridiculousness of crap like this: