Friday, May 20, 2011

I’ll see your Daniels and raise you a…Perry?!

It’s interesting to observe the alignments within the Republican Party that are occurring as potential candidates step forward, or in the particular instances about to be addressed, BEFORE they officially step forward and as they’re pursued.

With each passing day, it becomes more apparent who Establishment Republicans are backing, as we’re not only informed by our on alternative outlets, but by the liberal media that seems to stay in close contact with establishment operatives. Take for instance this Politico story, “GOP Elite See Daniels as 2012 Savior”: 

"Top Republicans are increasingly convinced that President Barack Obama will be easily reelected if stronger GOP contenders do not emerge, and some are virtually begging Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels to add some excitement to the slow-starting nomination race. It’s a sign of the GOP’s straits that the party is depending on the bland, wonkish Daniels for an adrenaline boost." 

The “bland, wonkish” Daniels appears to be the Republican Establishment’s hope after Barbour bowed out. Unnamed “party activists and strategists” are pushing Daniels, as well as close friends, the Bush’s, Boehner is plugging Daniels, along with other mentioned GOP campaign consultants…Establishment Republicans? Check!

More fuel to the fire has surfaced on Daniel’s moderate rhetoric. RedState reports that back in ’09, giving a speech to a known liberal Republican group, Mitch Daniels sounded as wonkish as he sounds today: Stop disagreeing with Democrats.

It’s interesting that the RedState piece is written by a former Daniels supporter, until “he started saying crap like this.” 

Leon Wolf points out, “So, as Republicans were gearing up for their biggest electoral victories in 16 years by fighting Obama and the Democrats tooth and nail on every aspect of their agenda, Mitch Daniels was telling everyone that the way to victory was to forget what a wedge issue even was, and just be nice so that people will like us again. Since then, Daniels has demonstrated that having a political tin ear in his case is a congenital defect rather than an isolated occurrence, telling social conservatives repeatedly to get to the back of the bus…” 

Now, Wolf makes the point that he believes Mitch Daniels is incapable of building the necessary coalition to win a national election; and while you’ll get no disagreement here, there does exist another issue not touched on: beyond naiveté, Daniels ignores, and even after acknowledging, dismisses, the coercive nature and subsequently destructive goals of Statism.

And to add yet more kindling, of all the publications out there, The Huffington ‘Puffington’ Post divulged a damaging little tidbit that points to Daniel’s pre-gubernatorial support for universal healthcare: 

"The candidate said he favors a universal health care system that would move away from employee-based health policies and make it mandatory for all Americans to have health insurance. Daniels envisioned one scenario in which residents could certify their coverage when paying income taxes and receive a tax exemption that would cover the cost. "We really have to have universal coverage," Daniels said." 

Suddenly those Romneycare woes and the Gengrich mandate-n-fumble are put in perspective with this nice guy. Yes, it does appear that Daniels is on fire…but definitely not one of desire.

Backing up a bit, Rush caught wind of the Politico piece on Wednesday’s show, and had a little nudge, a little punch, to add for the Establishment: 

"So, folks, the word's gone out, the inside-the-Beltway Republican elites, the RINOs, they are scared to death that some conservative is gonna get the nomination, and they want the exciting Mitch Daniels to ride in, announce, and save the day.

Let me throw a name at you out there, and this person's toying with getting in the race. And there are some Republicans who are trying to convince this person to get in the race, and there is a lot of excitement attached to the possibility that this person will get in the race. Well, who do you think I'm talking about? You have a look on your face in there as though you know who I'm talking about. Texas Governor Rick Perry. Texas Governor Rick Perry is lurking out there, and he has the potential to light this up.

If Rick Perry decides to get in this, folks, then you can wipe away all the conventional wisdom that's out there heretofore and to date, 'cause it's a brand-new day, and it starts all over again. And the Republican elites do not like Rick Perry."

Of course, Gov. Perry has said on numerous occasions that he has no inclination to run, that being the Governor of Texas is the best job one could ask for. But it appears he now has more than a few individuals with Republican weight urging him to take the plunge, and the circuits are paying attention.

From RealClearPolitics, “Rick Perry Presidential Push Quietly Gains Steam”:
“As many grass-roots Republicans remain in search of a conservative candidate with the pizazz to go toe-to-toe against President Obama, a man from deep in the heart of Texas who was tea party before the tea party was cool appears to be giving the presidential race some thought. Gov. Rick Perry has insisted on multiple occasions that he has no interest in the presidency, but RCP has learned that political associates have begun to nose around quietly on Perry's behalf.” 

And also, “Perry's Actions Suggest a Serious Look at 2012”:
“Texas Gov. Rick Perry may say publicly that he's not interested in running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, but his actions suggest something different.
After RealClearPolitics broke the news Tuesday that Perry's aides quietly have begun to make inquiries on the governor's behalf as he contemplates a bid, reporters attending his speech before a meeting of the Republican National Committee in Dallas noticed a few interesting things. Chief among them, as CNN reported, was that Perry said the GOP field is not yet settled and described the ideal candidate as someone who sounded . . . exactly like himself.” 

From the Washington Times, “Perry performance fuels talk of 2012 draft”:
"He’s not on the ballot for 2012, but Texas Gov. Rick Perry strongly impressed a gathering of top Republican officials here Tuesday, with many high-ranking GOP officials saying the governor would be their top choice if he entered the presidential race. “I would love to see a movement to draft Rick for the nomination if that’s the only way we can get him to run,” said Republican Nation Committee general counsel Bill Crocker after Mr. Perry delivered a luncheon address that had several hundred party officials attentive throughout. “The comments I got after his speech made it clear I am not alone,” Mr. Crocker said at the meeting of GOP state chairmen and other RNC members."
And Rush embellished on this one: “Now, this is interesting. This is the general council of the Republican National Committee saying this…”at the meeting of GOP state chairmen and other RNC members," meaning outside-the-Beltway Republicans. These are not the Republicans talking to Politico who are having this reaction, [these are] the thoughts that they had to Rick Perry as he addressed the group.” 

Now before diving headfirst into Perry’s water, one should be aware that if he does decide to get in, he will encounter a few hurdles with his lengthy record as the longest serving U.S. governor, the majority of which come from local makings with issues that have been either corrected (HPV vaccine & Trans-Texas Corridor, both dropped due to public disapproval) or improved on (illegal immigration – more ‘boots on the ground’ & willingness to sign an Arizona-style bill), but one would find more than a few Texas independents and libertarians who hold grudges and never forgive, much less forget. Nevertheless, Perry’s current attitude of relentlessly taking on the Administration’s policies toe-to-toe, particularly Obama’s EPA intrusions and Obamacare mandates, defending state’s rights over federal authority, are in stark contrast to the ‘stop disagreeing with Democrats’ attitude of Daniels, thus upping the game for these potential contenders and the division of Republicans that would back either.