Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fear should NEVER turn to desperation

We currently find ourselves in the midst of a celebration that justice has finally been served to one of the most contemptible of contemporary villains. But when looking at the broader state of our union, lately, the general economic consensus seems to be that Americans are down in the dumps. With the run-up to the next election, many fear the déjà vu of impending disaster, whether that be new bubbles in the markets or the aneurysm of debt to deal the final blow to America as we know her, while the purveyors of power, the fearmongerers, will that we ‘must’ increase the ceiling (thus spending) else we are doomed, when “Having a debt limit is not the problem. It is only a symptom, or even a symptom of a symptom. Spending beyond our means is the problem” and “Those who argue it's too soon for the government to live within its means are like a drunk who says he couldn't possibly sober up unless he first gets another drink.” Moving beyond the surface of that Keynesian nightmare though, let’s elaborate deeper on where the full extent of the Obama utopia has led us: the so-called “Recovery” is anything but when economic growth is slowing as inflation surges; more people are applying for unemployment benefits, entering the ‘new welfare’ of the nanny state whether voluntarily or involuntarily; and with the combination of a sinking dollar, we’ve got consumers simply ‘running out of money’.

So with all of that in mind, and more, we should take a look at an American Thinker piece that tips us off to Obama’s ‘real’ strategy heading into the 2012 election…

Watching the machinations of Barack Obama, it seems as though he is creating what the Marxists call "internal contradictions."

Gas prices ready to breach the $5 mark, but a relentless Administration campaign against increased domestic energy production; midterm elections soundly rejecting the President and his party's command and control initiatives, but vigorous efforts to extend them in contempt not only of electoral, but legislative and judicial checks; foreign and defense policies that have produced nothing beyond betrayal of our interests and few remaining friends, but an eager embrace of fringe notions of a utopian internationalist order and our place in that order: every day brings new movements in this symphony of dissonance.

As the contending parties converge on the objective, the Administration understands that the conventional electoral calculus seems irreversible -- gas prices, inflation, unemployment, and geopolitical discomfiture will be joined in 2012 by the newfound fear of deficits and the national debt, and maybe even for the fate of constitutional government. Their response to this looming threat of defeat is a version of the old Cold War communist strategy of "talk talk, fight fight."

The talk element is employed to waste time, obscure tactical maneuvers, divert and divide the opposition, and sometimes even to draw fire onto decoy targets. Behind the screen of the talk is the "fight" or action element of the strategy -- executive, and to the extent still possible, fiscal measures calculated to bring the country by November 6, 2012 to a state in which an electoral majority, comprising both Obama partisans and opponents, is in such a high state of anxiety that they are unwilling to change presidents.

Add Obama’s victory lap induced with the news of Osama bin Laden’s death (with cyclical praise by the all-too-happy-to-oblige mainstream media) to the mix of Marxist strategies that continue to outflank Republican leaders and manipulate middle-of-the-road voters, and the current occupant in the White House would appear to be more emboldened and entrenched than ever. But we must keep our minds in check and our memories in focus. We can no longer afford to be inattentive to our crumbling society, and this is why we must continue to be informed as voting Americans. It would be nice to not think about elections until a few months before, basing our decisions on ads that run up to Election Day, but that convenience is long gone; and in many ways, has led us to the precipice where we currently find ourselves. As this piece concludes, “The first step in wresting the initiative is to recognize their strategy.”

There are absolutely cracks in Obama’s hull. As support grows for more responsible budgeting, Obama's approval ratings sink in crucial states, particularly in regards to the handling of the economy. Now of course we are sure to see a bump in approval ratings with the military takeout of OBL under Obama’s watch; however, as we maintain the current redistributive ideology, class warfare, and general economic decline, those gains will prove temporary.

We also see these breakdowns taking on a somewhat paranoid state, as the administration ever more fervently exercises its control over every aspect of its campaign, down to every fundraiser, suppressing or containing the undesirable happenings as much as possible, but with inevitable leaks. No matter, they’ll go so far as to deny it.

We’ve even got the president of the Black Chamber of Commerce awakening to Obama’s Marxist ways and blasting him for it! And just a day before justice was finally delivered to OBL, some in the media were starting to understand just how tough Obama’s re-election bid will be; that is, before these same people have now readjusted their blinders towards the current perception of a jubilant reclamation. But as one Democrat says to another, the same can be advised of Republicans: “The idea that it’s over before it starts, in these circumstances, is crazy.”

So will the Marxist strategy detailed earlier provide enough cover to distract from all of these very real stress points? Will Americans continue to fall for it and pull levers with misconceptions of the future? Also, are there courageous principled Republicans that are ready and willing to step up to defeat Obama? The ‘go-along-to-get-along’ unexciting establishment field, both candidates and voters, will surely reap defeat for a second time; and again I say this we cannot afford.

Simply stated, Republicans must cast aside the notion that this man is undefeatable, particularly when matched against a principled conservative. A military victory under his watch does not insured his re-election, particularly while continuing to feverishly ‘change’, attack and destroy the very fabric of American society on a daily basis. Likewise, Independents must get off the fence and choose a better path towards liberty, lest they prefer sinking to the ‘ant heap’ of tyranny. The fear of inherent risks in reaching a better tomorrow, as well as the sacrifice of convenience to get there, should never turn to the desperation of settling for despotism.