Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1,372 bottles of ‘care’ on the wall...

Heritage provides further evidence that Obamacare does not and cannot work…or perhaps I should say the administration’s own HHS provides…

To date, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has approved 1,372 Obamacare waivers, covering 3.1 million Americans. Yesterday, The Daily Caller reported that among HHS’s most recent round of 204 Obamacare waivers, “38 are for fancy eateries, hip nightclubs and decadent hotels in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s Northern California district.” That’s right: Nearly 20 percent of exemptions from Pelosi’s crowning health care achievement were doled out in her backyard.

If that’s not enough irony for you, try this waiver on for size: On Monday, the Las Vegas Sun reported that Nevada—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s home state—received a partial statewide Obamacare waiver, too. If you’re keeping score, Reid was Pelosi’s counterpart in the Senate fighting to get Obamacare passed into law. Now his state will be one of three to get a waiver from the law’s requirements, while the rest of America suffers.

She and Reid knew PRECISELY what destructive policy “is in it”, and they’re fine with extending one-year waivers to potential constituents, particularly their own, to keep private insurance from collapsing under the weight of Obamacare and the foreseeably planned single-payer system before the devised re-election of their ‘One’. Oh that ‘waivering’ liberal principle...EVERYBODY SING…