Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Beating the dead horse of amnesty (UPDATE)

Once again, the daily bombardment of Obama strikes. This time around, after the drilling ban, the space shuttle dis and the denial of federal aid for the draughts and fires, he has the gall to come to the Lone Star state, campaigning for the illegal vote. That’s right, folks, he’s pushing amnesty, again. And he’s definitely proven that he’s fully left the ‘civility’ behind. AP reports:

In search of Hispanic votes and a long-shot immigration overhaul, President Barack Obama on Tuesday stood at the U.S.-Mexico border for the first time since winning the White House and declared it more secure than ever. He mocked Republican lawmakers for blocking immigration over border security alone, saying they won't be happy until they get a moat with alligators along the border.

Nice, Mr. President. Such a ‘serious’, 'adult' and ‘civil’ proclamation.

You know, could we get something straight here? Making the illegal legal is NOT “reform”…nor is it “overhaul”. Let's look at the a definition from "the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory." Hmm, what is wrong? Well, I'd say not enforcing existing law is 'wrong'. Corrupt? Absolutely, particularly when it's elected government officials, including the President himself, that not only condone illegal activity, but relish in the political opportunities even when placing the nation at risk! Unsatisfactory? YES, this whole 'corrupt' and 'wrong' system is unsatisfactory to the American citizen and taxpayer! Let’s check out “overhaul” as well: “to make necessary repairs on; restore to serviceable condition.” Now there’s a reasonable word to use; unfortunately, it’s just a word being ‘used’, as Obama has no intention of making ‘necessary repairs’ or restoring to ‘serviceable condition’ our current immigration laws or the enforcement of them. He wants to ‘change’ everything that gets in the way of his or his Party’s radical dictate, of course on the backs of every American.

So, the AP piece elaborates on how the Dems are once again resurrecting the DREAM Act today. Is this thing a zombie or a vampire or what? The statists just won’t let it stay dead! But even the AP gets it right and understands the obvious tactics here:

The Senate is now even more heavily Republican, and Republicans control the House. That means immigration reform can't happen unless they cooperate. Nonetheless, Senate Democrats plan to reintroduce the DREAM Act on Wednesday, with their counterparts in the House following suit. Given Republican opposition the bills likely won't get far, but Obama will try to make certain voters know who to blame.

That’s right. After not passing this with majorities in both houses of Congress, at Obama’s beckoning call, the reintroduction of the Dream Act serves as yet another ploy to gain votes by blaming Republicans. Blame them for what, though? Demonstrating responsibility and allegiance to America and its citizenry over foreign entities and illegals? Oh the horror...

UPDATE:  Uh oh...looks like Obama's 'facts' aren't checking out.  It's to be expected from a man who makes up the politically convenient lie at a whim.  Nevertheless, from Jake Tapper (ABC News) to Terence Jeffrey (CNS News), Obama is cited as being dishonest on a number of points in his speech, starting with his declaration that the fence is "basically completed".  Now, I don't won't to let this one go without 'thanking' (and by that I mean quite the opposite) our very own entrenched RINO, Kay Bailey Hutchison, for slipping language into an '07 omnibus bill that essentially repealed the Secure Fence Act!  Good riddance, m'am; you've caused enough damage...and you wanted to be Governor of Texas?!  But moving on, other points of dishonesty Obama made in his El Paso speech included the use of irrelevant statistics to illustrate the number of border patrol agents added under his watch, minimizing the increased influx of violent illegal criminals streaming over the border, and declaring that El Paso and other border communities are "among the safest in the nation" because...well, because he says so!

Levin's monologue tonight broke this story open to a broader dialogue about the citizen, the illegal, and our threatened civil's another thought-provoking eye-opener from the Great One...check out at least the first 15-20 minutes of his 5/11 Audio Rewind!