Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gutsy? No, back to smoke and mirrors…

…as if we ever left!

Contradictions and misstatements on the raid, body quickly dumped at sea (after given a proper 40 min. Islamic ceremony), and now we're not even getting a confirmation photo. As if we can't handle it? As if they would hate us more for it? Obama's snuffing out the sense of justice rather efficiently, don’t you think? Or is this just a ‘prolonging’ up to Election, he wouldn’t use this as a political opportunity, now would he? (/sarcasm)

Remember that discussion a few posts back that discussed Obama’s use of a strategy the Marxists called internal contradictions? Well, we’re seeing it being dragged out right now…denying the bin Laden death photo that all Americans want to see to distract from the latest negative economic news. The media’s attempt to interject into this strategy began yesterday with some bogus PC BS story about using the code name “Geronimo” for bin Laden. Now we receive ‘confirmation’ that the photo won’t be released on the same day that news breaks of U.S. employers adding fewer jobs in April and the dollar hitting a 3 year low, as one-in-seven Americans are on food stamps. Now what do you think the mainstream media is paying attention to? See how they work this?

So as we leave the ‘gutsy’ talk for a return to the usual smoke and mirrors, here’s something to take away: with all the contradictions and questions still looming, it’s looking as though Panetta had more to do with calling this than our hesitant ‘One’.