Thursday, April 21, 2011

The new word is “Radical”

“Radical”, “[not] particularly courageous”, “short sighted”, “wrong for America”…these are the words and phrases that Obama used at his Facebook town hall to describe Paul Ryan’s budget plan and his ‘provocative’ belief that the President has an obligation to save the U.S. from bankruptcy which he believes is imminent if serious budget cuts are not made.

Levin took note of the ‘radical’ reference as an “attempt to use the language, to deceive, to fog, to create ambiguity, to confuse; so the radical, who follows the Rules for Radicals, is now going to call anything he disagrees with “Radical”.”

“Our Sovereign is lying to his subjects. Now why would he do that? To try and control you? To try and manipulate you? And here we have a young man named Paul Ryan whose actually trying to do something, and he’s the ‘radical’. Meanwhile, the man whose been radical his entire life, whose pushing the society off the edge, he’s the centrist, thoughtful, moderate one, right? No, wrong!”

This starts to tie into my last post, but so be it. Obama calls Ryan’s plan ‘radical’, though it has NO effect whatsoever on current and soon-to-be Medicare recipients; yet, Obama and Democrats are fine with cutting half a trillion dollars out of Medicare to help pay for his top-down government-run healthcare plan, so who’s the ‘radical’ here?! Ryan’s not even talking about getting rid of Medicare, nor does his plan; Obama is the only one mentioning that.

Likewise, at the same Facebook forum, Obama tells a sympathetic story to an impressionable young crowd (he can’t seem to talk to adults anymore) of his family’s plight with food stamps and other social welfare programs, and how they helped to raise and mold our community-agitator-in-chief to be the prosperous narcissist he is today. Meanwhile, Obama and Democrats were ‘reluctantly’ fine with slashing food-stamp programs for a state-aid bailout of unions and Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative. Yet again, we’re to believe that Paul Ryan is the bogeyman, the “radical”? Come on, folks…