Thursday, August 21, 2014

Levin BLASTS Obama: ‘Get your ass off the golf course…act like a president, or get the hell out!’

Damn straight! Couldn't have said it any better! Addressing ISIS and the Foley beheading, Mark blasted Obama:
"Is it too much to expect THIS PATHETIC PRESIDENT to spend more than five minutes on it?!"
Mark also extended similar sentiments towards Obama's reckless attitude towards everything from balkanization of our borders by ethnic front groups to the unilateral evisceration of our military.

"Mr. President, get your ass off the golf course -- I'm gonna be the father you never had -- get your ass off the golf course, get the hell back into Washington, D.C., act like a president, or get the hell out!"
Related link: RUSH: If The Drive-Bys Had Just Bothered To Listened To Me