Friday, December 16, 2011

Geniuses? Hardly...

“I rise in strong support of this bill, and I urge my colleagues to support this piece of legislation. I urge my colleagues to support this piece of legislation. None of them have read it. Not one of us has read every page in this bill.” ~ Steny Hoyer

Then the House easily approved the $1 trillion omnibus, 296-121, sending the bill to a Senate for a likely weekend vote. Geniuses? Hardly...

The Hill reports, "Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), who voted for the omnibus spending bill along with 146 other Republicans, called the measure a "crap sandwich" and said he wished it cut more."

“I have consistently said throughout my time in Washington that the American people deserve more from their government,” he said. “This bill is a crap sandwich! You definitely do not want to bite into it, you cannot stand the taste, but you know you have to eat it.”

Yeah, I wished the American people would wake up and cut about 500 of you from both Houses of Congress, because there's only about 35 that are worth having there!  Who's eating the 'crap sandwich', Mr. Gosar?  That's right, WE are, not YOU.  Grow a spine for Pete's sake.