Thursday, February 19, 2015

There's Truth and Reality...and then there's Obama's Islamic apologetics summit

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. ~ II Timothy 4:3-4
Have you ever, EVER, heard this guy defend Judaism or Christianity with as much vigor and compassion? Never...

"We must never accept the premise that they put forward. Because it is lie. Nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy they seek. They are not religious leaders, they are terrorists. We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam. ... Of course, the terrorists do not speak for over a billion Muslims who reject their hateful ideology. They no more represent Islam than any madman who kills innocents in the name of God represents Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism. No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism."
Related link: Obama: "Hatred, Bigotry and Prejudice" Of Muslims "Doesn't Just Aid Terrorists, It's Wrong"

Not religious leaders? Perverted Islam? Yes, we are not at war with Islam, but those who choose this violent Islamic path to a new caliphate are certainly at war with us! And it is extremely religious in nature, however much too many westerners, secular or religious, including this president, even including moderate Muslim reformers, choose to deny that...
TheAtlantic: The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.

Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, “the Prophetic methodology,” which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal. ...

That the Islamic State holds the imminent fulfillment of prophecy as a matter of dogma at least tells us the mettle of our opponent. It is ready to cheer its own near-obliteration, and to remain confident, even when surrounded, that it will receive divine succor if it stays true to the Prophetic model. Ideological tools may convince some potential converts that the group’s message is false, and military tools can limit its horrors. But for an organization as impervious to persuasion as the Islamic State, few measures short of these will matter, and the war may be a long one, even if it doesn’t last until the end of time.
Related links: Polls: percentage of Muslims who sympathize with Islamic State
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, steps into world's spotlight as one of the most bloodthirsty terrorists

Nonetheless, the White House continues to roll apologist after sympathizing apologist out to the microphones to muster as much sopping political correctness as they can slobber...

"We in the administration and the government should give voice to the plight of Muslims living in this country and the discrimination that they face. And so I personally have committed to speak out about the situation that very often people in the Muslim community in this country face. The fact that there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and the Islamic faith is one about peace and brotherhood."
Something else to irreverently turn into another supposed civil rights cause? And saying 'peace and brotherhood' while the inhabitants of the Middle East are in such turmoil may be a romantic idea, but it doesn't make it so.

What's developed into Obama's Islamic apologetics summit is so detached from reality that even reasonable Democrats, RINOs and conservatives alike see it, know it, and can articulate the truth beyond it!

"I think one of the things that is important to note is that the administration is misidentifying the enemy and their motivation by saying that they are motivated out of materialistic aspirations, that they're motivated out of poverty, of a lack of jobs or education or opportunity and as a result, the courses of action that the administration is proposing are also materialistic in nature, saying that if we just go in and alleviate poverty, if we go in and create jobs and increase opportunity and institute this Western style of democracy, that somehow this is going to solve the problem, when really, that's not the case.

We can look to the past and see many different examples of where this has occurred, whether you look at Libya, you look at Egypt, you look at what's being proposed with Syria. In each of these different instances, a dictator has been removed, there has been an attempt to institute a Western-style democracy in each of these cases. ISIS and Islamic extremists are more powerful and presenting a greater threat than they did before. So that's why it's so important that we recognize that these people are being motivated from different parts of the world by a spiritual, a theological motivation, which is this radical Islamic ideology."

"It was the president himself who called the three-day summit. It sounds like a community organizer talking about outreach to aggrieved communities. If you listen to the president today and his emphasis on Islamic grievances on reaching out, on making the Muslims feel comfortable and not excluded, you would think that we are responding to the execution and the beheading of 21 Muslims on behalf of 21 extreme Christians somewhere in the world. It is so divorced from reality, as if the problem is the lack of understanding of Muslim grievances, particularly in the Middle East.

We talk about root causes as if that's going to make any difference whatsoever. There are rich people in ISIS, there are poor; there are educated, there are uneducated. The idea that somehow if you can eradicate poverty which in and of itself is an absurdity as if it's going to make any difference is sort of a fantasy. And it's a way to avoid the issue, as is the president's language. He said I don't want to legitimize these people by using the word Islamist. It's as if you refused to call Nazis Nazis because they were not authentic socialists and they had a perverted idea of nationalism. I mean, you simply have to say, of course they are a branch of Islam, a very important one. They are all over the world, and unless you address the Islamic roots of it, you will get absolutely nowhere in trying to stop the recruiting and to stop their advances."

"What undermines the global effort is for the president of the United States to be an apologist for radical Islamic terrorists, to analogize it to the Crusades from 700 years ago. You know, what would be far better to see is the kind of courage that was demonstrated just a few weeks ago by Egyptian President el-Sisi.

Now, President el-Sisi in Cairo gave a speech that was courageous when he called out the radical Islamic terrorists -- and President el-Sisi is a Muslim -- and he said we Muslims need to stand up together against these radical terrorists who are perverting our faith and turning it into a mandate for murder. Why don't we see the president of the United States demonstrating that same courage just to speak the truth about the face of evil we're facing right now?"
Unfortunately, for the current generation of Americans living in a country founded on Judeo-Christian principles -- which however much the secularists want to deny, has been integral in the correction of our ailments as much as in the strengthening of our civil society -- we find ourselves subjugated by a one-size-fits-all, authoritarian-swaggering Big Government with media apparatchiks in tow, apologizing for the genuine ONE who made this country great, while defending another unequivocally foreign, and to the majority, false.
One who refuses to see is more dangerous than one who can't see at all.
This is one of the hardest prayers, I find, to humbly and sincerely pray; yet, it is so desperately needed and required...
O LORD our Governor, whose glory is in all the world; We commend this nation to thy merciful care, that being guided by thy Providence, we may dwell secure in thy peace. Grant to THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and to all in Authority, wisdom and strength to know and to do thy will. Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness; and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve this people in thy fear; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
Related links: Obama refuses to acknowledge ‘Muslim terrorists’ at summit
Barack Obama: Muslim elders too 'boring' to win Isil propaganda war