"This should show all of you on the fence, once and for all, the Left has ZERO compassion for humanity!" ~ Mark LevinOn the day that the last American ISIS hostage, Kayla Mueller, is confirmed dead after savages sent pictures to her family (you know, she was among the ISIS hostages that Obama had a chance to rescue but refused to act!), all the White House could do is continue to defend these Islamo-Nazis...
(AP Reporter GRILLS State Dept. on Obama’s absurd Kosher Deli comments)
...while simultaneously elevating eco-statism to the forefront...
(Science is settled: White House says climate change worse than terrorism)
...and along with the rest of the Democratic administration and their narrative journalists, scoffing at our Israeli allies. Anti-Semites much?
Netanyahu: I’m not looking for a fight with Obama, but I’m still gonna give speech to CongressNaaa, when combined with the Islamists sympathies over America's long-held Judeo-Christian values, the progressives' replacement enviro-religion, the assault on the family from the gay agenda to abortion, and the overall death culture embraced above life, tyranny advanced over liberty, anti-human would be a more fitting and accurate generalization.
Leahy boycotting Netanyahu speech, blames Boehner for making it “tawdry”
Related links: The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
DISGRACEFUL: 20 cars in France vandalized with French word for ‘Jew’ (Juif)
Malicious Ignorance: Obama equates Christianity to ISIS at National Prayer Breakfast
Mark Levin: I’m convinced that Obama is seeking to DESTROY ISRAEL
ADDENDUM I: Levin said it so concisely...
"There you go. Randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.ADDENDUM II: Wow. Obama actually spouted Iranian propaganda at a White House news event Wednesday...
Do you know why he says that? He’s trying to protect the Muslim faith.
Do you know why he trashes Christians over the weekend, the National Prayer Breakfast? He’s trying to protect the Muslim faith.
Do you know why they censor themselves and change the language in describing the enemy? Because he’s trying to protect the Muslim faith of his father…the Muslim faith he was around far more than the traditional Christian faith. If that’s Christianity they were practicing in Jeremiah Wright’s church, then I’m a Christian. And I’m Jewish.
I don’t think Barack Obama was ever taught about Christianity. He was taught about radicalism through a cereal box preacher camouflaged as a church. He was taught extreme radicalism rather than faith. The one faith he had exposure to was his father’s faith.
‘Ah what’s he saying?’ I’m saying exactly what I’m saying. I don’t need interpreters. I don’t need spokes-idiots like Earnest and Psaki to say what I’m saying. I’m saying what I’m saying.
So Obama has an affinity for Islam far more than Christianity and Judaism. No question about it. No question about it.
I’m not surmising, I’m not implying. I’m listening to him. I’m watching him. He’s telling us this."
TRS: When Obama was doing his boring news conference with the German Chancellor, he actually spouted Iranian propaganda with respect to their nuclear weapons. Seriously, I’m not kidding:Related link: Turns out White House rep also met with Muslim Brotherhood
"And if in fact what they claim is true, which is they have no aspiration to get a nuclear weapon, that in fact, according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon, if that is true, there should be the possibility of getting a deal. They should be able to get to yes. But we don’t know if that’s going to happen."Why would Obama say this in a public forum if he didn’t believe it? Oh I know, he couches it in ‘if this is true’ but just listen to him. He actually believes it. Just imagine what he’s saying privately. For pete’s sake, why don’t we just give Iran our nukes already and be done with it because with this president at the helm they are going to get nukes anyway.
Geez, I just don’t know what to say anymore. This is the height of absurdity.
(h/t: RCP)