Friday, November 1, 2013

RUSH: We're not the kooks, the tea party's being proved right...the Left is the fringe kook!

Rush encourages conservatives, despite the Surrender Party, not to fall for any such notions that we're somehow the kooks. No, that's the Left! And they're proving us right everyday. How unfortunate that far too many Republican Party operatives can't see or articulate that...
"You know, you talk about the so-called fringe kooks. They always seem to become even more prominent in the Drive-By Media when the Democrats are plummeting — and the Democrats are plummeting, so that has to be blamed on the Republicans, and that means they’re fringe kooks, and they trot out a Republican. “Yeah, yeah, yeah! Our fringe kooks, we’re just being defined by our fringe kooks!” The fact of the matter is, folks, these “fringe kooks,” quote/unquote, are being proved right.

These “fringe kooks,” which is the Tea Party… By the way, you people in the Republican Party? I want to put something to you out there. You know, you’ve got it so backwards. You’re sitting there, you’re trying to analyze what’s wrong with you, and there’s one reason. You have abandoned your base. You have publicly let it be known that you don’t like your base, and they know it. You’ve left nothing to the imagination where that’s concerned. You've told your base you're not interested in them. If you guys were aligned with your base, you'd be able to get more done than you think, if you would be willing to fight some of this stuff, which is what's missing."

"A lot of things have me ticked off today. In fact, I’ve been ticked off all week. You’ve probably have picked up on that. I’m ticked off at things out there. I’m ticked off at FedEx, ticked off at incompetence in general. I’m really ticked off about this idea that you and me and so forth are kook fringe people, as though the Democrat Party and Barack Obama represent the center.

What is the center of American politics?


The vast majority of the American people don’t want it, and more people are joining that group every day when they learn what it means to them, and now they learn they’ve been lied to. They and we are the center. Are the people who want massive government running everything the center in politics today? BS. Is the center in American politics in favor of policies that bounce off this idea, this hoax of manmade global warming?

Is the center in American politics in favor of amnesty for 12 million illegals? Is the center of American politics made up of people who, when the government shut down, applaud opening it for a rally for illegals to go promote amnesty? Is that the center of American politics? It’s not. The fringe is running this country. The genuine left-wing fringe is running this country. We have a government that is governing against the will of the people.

We’re not the fringe kooks. They are.

Obama is a fringe kook.

Sebelius is a fringe kook.

Valerie Jarrett is a fringe kook.

The media who idolize these people are the fringe kooks.

Harry Reid is a fringe kook.

Only 20% of the population of this country self-identifies as liberal.

By definition, that’s fringe, and I’ll add in the characterization of 'kook.'

We are traditionalists. We're constitutionalists. We believe in the founding. We are centrists. We are not fringe kooks in any way, shape or form."
H/t: DR