Thursday, November 21, 2013

Levin to 'buffoons and cowards' of the 'phony' Republican Senate leadership: 'Here's what you should've said' (RUSH ADDENDUM)

"Reid jumped the Republicans, McConnell wasn't ready. Absolutely useless, this man. Useless!"

Levin had an ear-full in store for McConnell and the 'phony' Republican Senate leadership tonight. Besides looking like 'a bunch of buffoons and cowards,' Mark questions if they even realize that they actually have power, but keep surrendering it upfront!

To assist these feckless wonders, Levin helps nudge them along with what they should've said to Reid today:
"You go ahead and do this today, Harry Reid and Schumer. You go ahead and do this, Dick Durbin and Harkin and all the rest of you miscreants and malcontents. You go ahead and do this. Let me tell you what we're gonna do when we take back the Senate, if we take back the Senate. We're gonna eliminate the filibuster rule altogether. And by a simple majority, we're going to repeal Obamacare. That's what we're gonna do. There's no point in we, the Republican Party; there's no point in we, the Republicans in the Senate, following tradition, following Robert's Rule of Order. There's no point in us doing it when we're up against a force that doesn't abide by tradition, doesn't abide by rules, doesn't abide by the Constitution. Quite the contrary, seeks to destroy them all in their pursuit of absolute power. So we just want to make it clear today what we're going to do is lift the filibuster rule, and we're going to repeal Obamacare. And because there is no filibuster rule in the House, they will vote with us. And then it will go to the President, and he will veto it, and then it will come back to Congress. And we will either muster the votes to override his veto, or we won't. But after that point, we're going to target every single Democrat, and we're going to defeat as many as we can to get to our veto-proof Senate and House. We're going to scare the hell out of the Democrats who remain by exposing this whole fraud that is the Democrat Party that has become the federal government."

(H/t: MP)

Yet, losers like Jeff Flake (R-AZ) 'hope that if we retake the Senate, we won't do the same thing.' Mark says, and I'd resoundingly agree, either 'these are people perfectly comfortable with tyranny,' or 'they're so ignorant of what's going on in front of their faces that they just don't react properly, normally, to these circumstances.' Personally, I think the time has long passed to let them off the hook with the ignorant excuse, particularly with such bold & brazen tyranny grinding America down.

Related links: Mark Levin: This nation is in grave jeopardy like nothing I’ve ever seen before
AWESOME: Mark Levin teaches Republican Senators how to respond to Harry Reid and his nuclear option

ADDENDUM: On Friday, Rush added to the discussion, explaining how even though "we have a party that’s unwilling to fight back...a party that seems more interested in wiping out its own base than taking out their real enemy," it may not be now, but at some point in time, justice will catch up and the Democrats will pay for this.

And one way Republicans could help move that along, Rush suggests, is to stigmatize every single one of those judges who wins confirmation with less than 60 votes!

And that's just one idea among a range of things that the GOP could do to nuke Obama and the Democrats back. Yet, these are likely more suggestions that McConnell and the establishment won't have the guts or will, persistence or principle, to pursue...but should.