Monday, November 18, 2013

Pelosi spins wildly defending Obamacare

“And so while there’s a lot of hoopdey-doo and ado about what’s happening now – very appropriate – I’m not criticizing.”
So full of $%!#...spinning wildly, Nance...

HumanEvents: Christmas came early for the Republicans as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi – the most repulsive figure in American politics, although Senate Majority Leader Harry “Why would I want to help kids with cancer?” Reid gives her a strong run for her money – sallied forth onto NBC’s “Meet the Press” to spin the ObamaCare disaster.

Her most bizarrely memorable line came when she tried to downplay the millions of people who have lost their insurance due to ObamaCare, suggesting they’re a bunch of whining ingrates who don’t appreciate what the glorious Democrat Party has done for them. Their complains about to the squalling of colicky infants – just a lot of “hoopdey-doo” from people who don’t understand that it’s wonderful their old insurance plans are gone, despite Obama’s fulsome promises to the contrary, and they’ll now be able to buy inferior ObamaCare coverage packed with “benefits” they don’t want at triple the price.
Party first, party second, party a good little commie. Unaffordable. No care. Little concern for the individual citizen. Whatever it took to cram through socialized medicine against the will of the People, who by the way were simply inferring about rising costs of procedures and practices, not a gutting of the entire industry involving a hand-off to Big Government!

All this 'hoopdey-doo' is precisely why we should NEVER have passed the bill "so that you can find out what is in it." Absurdity...both her and her performance.

Related link: SPIN SPIN SPIN: Nancy Pelosi tries to spin her way out of her Obamacare broken promise