Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The real amnesty bill: no English, no fines, no back taxes...no problem?

As illegal immigration continues to rise, despite the administration's claims, and we're incessantly bombarded by that Ryan/Rubio amnesty radio ad in at least half a dozen states (mine, being one of them!), no thanks to Mark Zuckerberg's Americans for a Conservative Direction front group (FYI, he's no conservative and neither is that crappy looking facade), a new report exposes the sham that Ryan, Rubio and too many other Republican dopes are falling for (or pushing, rather) concerning the specifics of the outright amnesty being foisted on Americans...
Breitbart: Amnesty proponents claim the Senate's "comprehensive immigration reform" bill does not grant illegal immigrants "amnesty" because illegal immigrants will have to learn English, pay fines, pass background checks, pay back taxes, and go to the back of the line.

Jon Feere, a legal analyst at the Center for Immigration studies, though, contends that illegal immigrants may be able to avoid all of these requirements given how the bill is written.
Feere's original article is found here; but essentially, he lists how illegals may be able to avoid every one of these so-called requirements. Here's the highlights:
  • Illegal immigrants may not have to pay back taxes
  • Illegal immigrants may not even have to learn English
  • The Department of Homeland Security cannot administer accurate background checks
  • Most illegal immigrants will not have to pay fines
  • Illegal immigrants will not even have to go to the "back of the line"
When reading the details of Feere's findings, you'll better understand that there are no direct requirements at all that mandate learning English, paying fines, paying back taxes, etc. As Obama would say, "There's no 'there' there!"

So, how can these so-called conservatives support this? Why the deception? What's to gain? Nothing...but less competition with more low-information, liberal Democratic voters. And after this backfires, what's next? A pathway to ownership? The guys over at CNSNews give us a glimpse at the absurdity of amnesty...

Wake the hell up, Republicans. Wake the hell up, America. Your sovereignty is being eroded.