Tuesday, May 7, 2013

RINO blowback on Heritage amnesty report (UPDATE)

It's usually a positive indicator for conservatives when liberal shills like AP, NPR, Salon, Politico, among a plethora of others, sound off against the Right for all the wrong reasons...unless that sounding board is being amplified by damn Republicans!

You'd expect the liberal media to attack the Heritage Foundation's cost analysis of the Gang of Eight's amnesty bill and its exorbitant consequences to American taxpayers over time, but it never ceases to amaze me when so-called conservatives utilize such known liberally slanted rags to turn on a truly conservative institution like Heritage.
RUSH: The Politico has gone out and found a bunch of conservatives, so-called, that are really mad at the Heritage Foundation and their immigration report. Yeah. The Politico claims that "the right," quote/unquote immediately tried to shut down the Heritage's immigration report within hours, and these conservatives that tried to shut down the Heritage report within hours are Paul Ryan, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin -- an economist, former adviser to McCain who recently signed an amicus brief in support of same-sex marriage.

It's Haley Barbour, who attacked Romney during the 2012 campaign for being too hard on illegal aliens, The Cato Institute (which is libertarian), and Grover Norquist. So those are the conservatives that The Politico found. Well, they didn't find 'em. These guys were actively trying to shut down the Heritage Foundation's immigration report at all costs and the other details that we told you about yesterday. But Politico's not alone here. The memo went out yesterday, and we're getting the same story from the entire media echo chamber.
When Politico says that "Most economists on the right and the left insist that immigration reform would be more or less a wash, because immigrants would be paying taxes that would help support Social Security and social programs like food stamps and housing aid," sorry, but that's "pathetically wrong," cites Rush.
Forty-seven percent of Americans are not paying income tax, and I guarantee you those who would be made citizens via amnesty would also be in the income range where they wouldn't be paying any tax. This idea that the cost to the social structure, the safety net structure in this country be overwhelmed by amnesty, is absurd [to supporters].

The Politico found some Republicans, "No, no, no, it would be a wash because these new citizens would be immediately paying taxes." Well, they're already a bunch of Americans paying taxes, and how come we've got massive deficits? How come it isn't a wash already with the existing taxpayers? The idea that we can legalize 11 million new citizens within a short few years of a time frame and put no strain on the social safety net? But that's how the Heritage report is being attacked in The Politico, in the mainstream media, and they've gone out and they've found people who identify themselves as conservatives to oppose it.
The absurdity lies in the dismissiveness...and it just feels like a big middle finger from these convenient conservatives.

Related link: Rubio bashes Heritage amnesty study: 'The folks described in that report are my family'

UPDATE: On Thursday, Rush expands on the movement afoot within the drive-by media to discredit the Heritage Foundation’s immigration study...