Exciting news about two of my favorites! As the year rolls on, it appears that rumblings from the most conservative branches of the Republican Party are a stirrin’. GREAT! First up, we received a report from the Minnesota Post earlier this week that appears to show Michele Bachmann edging closer to a confirmed bid:
Michele Bachmann will form an exploratory committee to run for president by June, and possibly earlier if she needs to in order to participate in presidential debates, according to a report out this morning from CNN.
"She's been telling everyone early summer," the source told CNN regarding Bachmann's planned June filing and announcement. But the source said that nothing is static.
"If you [debate sponsors] come to us and say, 'To be in our debates, you have to have an exploratory committee,' then we'll say, 'Okay, fine...I'll go file the forms.'”
Bachmann staffers did not immediately confirm or deny the report. In a statement response to MinnPost, spokesman Doug Sachtleben said "the Congresswoman is grateful for all the encouragement she’s received. She will make a decision about 2012 this summer. There is a natural timeline to these events and they will run their course."
Then lo and behold, on Saturday she took what appears to be the closest step thus far towards an ‘unofficial’ announcement:
The Minnesota Congresswoman told an enthusiastic crowd at Iowa Rep. Steve King's "Conservative Principles" Rally "I'm in" for a possible presidential run in 2012.
A CNN report recounted that Bachmann told a receptive crowd that she was "confident in 2012," that America had a strong foundation upon which to build. She then asked if the crowd was "in" as well.
"And so America has decided they're in for 2012, and so that's my question for you here today in Iowa. Are you in? Are you in for 2012? Are you in? Are you going to make it happen? Are we going to take our country back?"
As the crowd roared their approval, she continued, "I agree with you! I say we do, I'm in, you're in, we will take this back in 2012."
And if that’s not enough, the anticipation mounts as to whether our next potential ‘candidate’ will take the plunge towards 2012. Last week, Allen West announced his formation of the federal “Guardian Leadership PAC.” This is exciting news that shows West is ready and willing to go national with what should be the ONLY ‘brand’ of conservatism:
It could be a sign that West is looking at nationalizing his brand. He is one of the most popular Republicans in Washington and among the Tea Party across the country.
Not to mention that he raised over $6.4 million for his campaign for House in FL-22 last year. So there is no question that he could raise a pretty good amount of money and help the conservative cause to move forward.
According to West’s spokesman, the Guardian Leadership PAC is to support other conservative candidates across the country.
Whether Allen West is aligning himself as the next DeMint-style conservative ‘kingmaker’ or whether he makes a bid for the White House (PLEASE!!), one thing is for certain: Allen West is sure to play a more significant role on the national stage through 2012.
And before anyone wants to count either of these candidates out (yes, they are “serious” ones, Mr. Krauthammer and Mr. Will), as well as a host of other potential ‘long shots’, one should take note of the fact that for the first time in decades the Republican Convention is without a stalwart frontrunner, which could mean that many delegates are going into this one undecided! Liberals see this as a weakness for the GOP, but conservatives see this as HOPE for a better candidate than the “the establishment favorite” or “the contender who had finished second in the previous round of primaries,” who can solidly and properly challenge and defeat Barack Obama, as only a principled conservative can.
(part 2)
(part 1)
ADDENDUM: There may have been seemingly mixed messages at the Iowa forum of potential Republican presidential candidates this weekend, but one message was clear:
"Social conservatism is fiscal conservatism," thundered Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, bringing the crowd at the Conservative Principles Conference to its feet.
Right on, right on!